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Welcome to 3S!

We have a really exciting year ahead of us and we thank you for all your kindness and support. The children are working hard, looking after each other and having lots of fun. Look at our class page to see all the exciting things we get up to!

Class Letters 2022-2023

Art Exhibition - Shaun Tan Creatures


We have based our theme for arts week around Shaun Tan. An Australian author, artist and film maker. He has written many fantasy books and is amazing at creating his own weird and wonderful creatures.

The children have designed their own 3D Sculptural Creatures using Modroc. They photographed them and created their own mini documentary, talking about their creatures’ habits, diet and interesting features!

The Mayans!

The children have thoroughly enjoyed our topic on The Mayans, this half term. Here are just a few pieces we have created in our topic work!

The Kings Coronation

The children created some brilliant poems describing the things they would do if they were king for the day!

Cadbury World Trip


We had the most exciting day visiting Cadbury world, the home of chocolate! We started off the day by learning about the Mayans, their history, culture and of course the Cacao bean. We had a tour of the factory, learning lots of key facts about how it is made and we even got to try some chocolate and write with it too! One of the highlights was the 4D cinema experience and we even got to take some free chocolate home.

PSHE - Big Book


Look at these superb Safety posters which are in our PSHE Big Book. The children love their lessons with Miss Elson!



We had the most wonderful day at the woods. After a long and successful walk, we got straight into lots of activities including a scavenger hunt, clay imprinting, making fairy wands, a big hunt. We created some maps, thought about our senses, created transient art and even toasted marsh mellows on the fire! The weather was beautiful and enjoying lunch on the grass was a bonus!

Autism Week


Stephen Wiltshire is an artist who draws cityscapes. He has a particular talent for remembering thee and drawing them from memory. Stephen is on the Autistic Spectrum and was diagnosed in the late 1970's and we have learned about this and celebrated it this week!

Sketchbook App


In our computing lesson we have been exploring the uses of different electronic devices. We created a picture on paper and then had to replicate it on an app called Sketchbook.

Mothers Day Cards

Look at these gorgeous cards!

Sketch Map - Turkey


In light of the recent earthquakes that hit Turkey and Syria, we spent an afternoon learning about Turkey, its landscape and its culture. We did some map work, spotting countries in Europe and we created our own sketch map of a beautiful coastal region called Alanya.

Lava Lamp

Still image for this video
Look at these amazing homework's we set for half term! The children created their own lava lamps!

Shadow Puppets!

To end our topic on light, dark and shadow, the children worked together in groups to create their own shadow stories. We created our own puppets out of card and added a moving part using split pins. The children loved performing their stories to each other!


Here is some lovely work form our PSHE floor book.

This is where we showcase our learning throughout the year!

Light, Dark and Shadow Art

We have really embraced our sketchbooks this half term, learning how artists use light, dark, shadow and colour. We looked at Hong Kong artist Marc Allante and created our own pictures of bioluminescent creatures. We also practised sketching looking at tone and shading.


We have had a great time learning about different bioluminescent creatures including, deep sea shrimp, fire flies, glow worms and many more. We have created some fantastic posters about Angler Fish, a terrifying sea creature!


Chinese New Year!


We were very fortunate to have some Chinese teachers come into school and teach us some fascinating facts about China and their New Year celebrations. We learned their language, their animal protectors, we wrote some letters and created our own rabbits out of card!


Little Inventors Day!

We have had the best time during the schools Little Inventors Day. We spent the morning looking at inventions that have changed the course of history including light bulbs, water wheel, concrete, the calendar and many more. Our brief was: To invent a piece of equipment to help your favourite animal survive in the wild. The children made a fact sheet all about their animals needs, habitats and personalities. They created imaginative designs in their books and spent the afternoon presenting their ideas to their peers.

Fossil Printing


To end our topic on Volcanoes, rocks and soil, we looked at a variety of different fossils from around the world. We created stunning prints of our own fossil designs using printing ink.

Digital Art

We had a great computing session this afternoon using games and quizzes on the Tate Kids website. The children created their own art works using the online tools and completed quizzes on some well known artists!


Here is the website!

Christmas Jumpers

We have had a lovely end to the week, celebrating Christmas by wearing festive jumpers. :)

Snow White Pantomime!

We were extremely excited to have been given the opportunity to go to the Pantomime at the Theatre Royal in Nottingham with Year 2. We watched Snow White and spent the whole time laughing, singing, dancing and enjoying the classic fairy tale. Hopefully we can go again next year!


Worms, worms, worms!

The children have been learning about the layers underneath the earth, including the soil and rocks. We made our own wormery out of recycled bottles, carefully building up the layers for the wriggly critters. We had to wait a bit longer because of the postal strikes, but they finally came. Now we can look after them at home!

Volcano Art


We have been creating our own Volcano art pieces linked to our science topic on Rocks. We learned about Andy Warhol and the Pop Art movement looking at his repeated prints and his use of colour. We created our own volcano inspired by this movement. We finished off the project by creating our own volcano collage based on William Turners 'Eruption of Vesuvius' painting.

Magna Science Trip

We had the best day out at Magna Science Adventure Centre in Rotheram. We took part in lots of hands-on experiences packed with interactive exhibits. We explored the wonders of science and technology in four pavilions – Air, Earth, Fire and Water and took part in a Volcano workshop, sorting rocks into categories, creating exploding volcanos and taking rock samples! The centre was absolutely colossal and we explored the world of the steel mills with the spectacular Big Melt Show. ‘E’ furnace, one of the original electric arc furnaces. It was brought to life with light, sound and special effects. We even had time for a quick play outside and were ready to get on the bus home to Nottingham.

Remembrance Day


We had a lovely day celebrating British culture and remembering all of those lost or affected by wars. The children created their own poppies which are displayed on our classroom windows.

Sustainability Week 2022


Food Miles

We have had a great week during Haydn's Sustainability week. We explored where our food comes from, looking at food miles and plotting food on a world map. We discussed world hunger and the reasons why people experience this, including poverty, famine, wars, food prices soaring and natural disasters. We designed our own planet friendly burgers and made these in school. We also designed our own packaging for our burgers, imagining we are selling these in our local supermarkets. We loved eating them, they were delicious!


The Lorax

We spent our literacy lessons immersing ourselves in the story of The Lorax by Dr Suess. He looks after the trees and we really admire his job! We sent him letters explaining the changes we are going to try and make at home and in school to help the environment.

Rangoli Patterns


As part of our Diwali celebrations, we created our own Rangoli patterns. The rangoli represents the happiness, positivity and liveliness of a household, and is intended to welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and good luck.



As past of our Roman topic we have been studying ancient Roman Aqueducts. We have been making our very own in teams and tested them out to see if they are stiff, sturdy and functional!

Roman Food!


We had the best day celebrating the Romans! We learned Latin words, designed our own battle shields and made our own Roman bread. We finished off the day by trying popular Roman foods and having a lovely time!

The Great Haydn Bake Off!


It was a great start to the week because all the children in the school were set a homework to bake something of their choice. We brought them in and tasted them all. We voted for our favourite bake and some children got star baker awards! We spent some time designing packaging and went home very full!



We were so lucky to be able to enjoy the theatre again. We watched a performance of 'Scrooge' and were laughing our socks off!

Roman Art!


We have immersed ourselves in Roman art this half term. The children have been completing their sketchbook work learning how to make simple mosaics using card, they have explored fine and coarse ware pottery and even made their own coil pots!



We loved picking an animal to explore and creating our own Calligram poem all about our animal of choice. Aren't they cute!

Garage Band!

We have loved our music lessons with Mr Fretwel. The children have been exploring the Garage Band App on iPads, creating our own unique tunes. Listen to some below!


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Still image for this video

Welcome to 2C

Grown ups - Mrs Crawford, Miss Williamson

Class teddy - Mr Tiggs

Class Venus fly trap - Mr Tibbles

Class Worry Monster - Senor Worry

On our class page, you will find copies of our letters and photos of the fun things we get up to in Year 2.

Class Letters - 2021 to 2022

Because of our Geography topic about Jamaica, Ahoy There!, Rex very kindly brought in a papaya and a coconut for us to all try! Unfortunately, Miss Williamson couldn't chop the coconut into 30 pieces so we all held it, shook it and smelt it before we ate some papaya. Thank you, Rex! I hope the fruit salads we all make next week are this tasty!

Haydn's first Diversity Day was a wonderful time! We celebrated everyone's differences, wore our own clothes and read some beautiful books about different types of family and different types of love. We had such a lovely time learning that love is love.

As part of our geography topic, "Ahoy There!", we visited Nottingham Castle. Later in the term, we'll be able to compare the inner city things we saw to the lush wildlife of rural Jamaica. We had an excellent time and learnt lots about Robin Hood, too! We even went down into the caves.

This afternoon, we improved our paper aeroplane designs and had a good go at flying them in the yard. Some of them were In. Cred. I. Ble.

As far as Mays go, we've had a pretty busy one. We've done a couple of quizzes and completed an independent write using lots of subordinating conjunctions (because, when, if) and historically accurate facts. We're only 7. To rest our brains (a little), we have mapped our playground from a bird's eye view. We had to think about what objects would look like from above and try to draw things to scale, so the giant trees weren't drawfing the wonky house. Here we are being ready, responsible, resourceful and resilient.

This half term, our topic was called Aviation. We learnt about famous people from history, including Bessie Coleman, Amy Johnson, the Wright brothers and Albert Ball. We also learnt about Spitfire aeroplanes. We wrote a non-chronological report, in the shape of a plane (of course), to share facts about these inspiring people. We also dressed up as Amelia Earhart. Don't we look funny!

The US Open trophy comes to Haydn! We were very lucky to be chosen as one of the TWO schools in all of England to welcome back the grand slam tennis trophy on it's first few days back in this country for 44 years! We enjoyed a whole school assembly (with tear jerking-ly beautiful singing), tennis fun and got to have a photo with the cup itself. Carefully, watched over by its two bodyguards! We spent some time learning about Emma Raducanu and why her "growth mindset" helped her with her success. She sounds like she uses the Haydn 5Rs, all the time!

Alongside our history Aviation topic, we have been learning about materials and their properties in science. We have learnt some fancy vocabulary (with actions!) like, opaque, translucent and transparent. We have looked for objects made of brick, fabric and glass and considered why walls need to be opaque! Most recently, we have explored what natural and manmade means. Here we are having sorted objects, with our pals, into categories.

We had some great news the other day: Fatimah came dressed as Elton John! She came in her sparkly, pink and yellow sunglasses and reminded the grown ups of the musical icon. So, naturally, our Cosmic Yoga was replaced by a boogie to "I'm still standing". What a day!

Eid Mubarak! Many of our children have celebrated Eid this week. Some of them came in to school in their beautiful celebration clothes and explained what Eid means to them and their families. The girls also had wonderfully intricate mehndi patterns on their hands. What a happy time!

With the invasion of Ukraine being unavoidable in the news, we had some grown up conversations about what was happening. We tried to understand words like solidarity, refugee and political. We then spent some time painting sunflowers, a symbol of hope, and thinking how very lucky we are to be together.

In Science, we have been learning about animals, including humans. We have learnt that animals change from babies to adults and what animals need to survive. As a rite of passage for any Nottingham child, we went on a trip to White Post Farm. The weather Gods were very kind to us and we had an excellent time holding rabbits, stroking snakes and feeding sheep! Luckily, no one was eaten by a goat and we all had a great time!

We love a challenge in Year 2, so over the last few days we have been designing, building and then evaluating our own marble runs. We used cardboard, plastic bottles and loo rolls to make loads of cool designs. Have a look at a few!

In Year 2, we're always reading fun books and most recently we have read You're A Bad Man, Mr Gum by Andy Stanton. We've used it to learn about similies, onomatopoeia and general silliness. We're going to write a book review about it. THE TRUTH IS A LEMON MERINGUE!

As well as Venus fly traps, we've been learning about another cool, well-adapted plant: the saguaro cactus. These ENORMOUS plants live in North America and can weigh the same as 6 cars! Their leaves roll to make super spikey spikes to reduce water loss and also to protect them from hungry animals. These plants are so well protected that clever little elf owls sometimes make their homes in them. We planted our own cactus in a bottle and, with a bit of luck, one day we'll all have a beautiful flowering cactus.

We have been learning about Venus fly traps. These cool, carnivorous plants come from South Carolina, in America. We actually have one in class and it's called Mr Tibbles. Only 5% of their diet is from flies and they have been known to eat mice! We put all of our facts on to a massive poster and used glitter with the motto, "More is more".

To celebrate Chinese New Year on the 1st February, we listened to the story of the Chinese zodiac told to us by a person from actual China (over Zoom)! We're so lucky to have links with the University of Nottingham. We also made tigers out of loo rolls and learnt some cool tiger facts! Did you know that a tiger's stripes are unique?

On her way back from Market one day, Mrs Crawford traded her cow for some wonderful magic beans off a kind old man she'd never seen before. We've planted them and given them everything they need to grow. Fingers crossed they start to germinate!

Over the Christmas holidays, we investigated a country of our choice. It was entirely up to us which country we looked at and what we looked in to. Look at how brilliant they are!

Our new topic is called, "Nonsense". We've been learning about mythical creatures, magic beans and very unusual plants. We've been learning what a plant needs to grow and looked at their life cycle.

Check out 2C looking swish in their Christmas jumpers!

Great news, grown ups! 2C have managed to earn another treat afternoon. We get hundred square points for moving around school sensibly, working quietly, being kind and making sure we always remember the Haydn 5 Rs: Ready, Responsible, Resourceful, Resilient and Reflective. We vote for our treat and then Mrs Crawford nips to Lidl to buy us a delicious snack!

We have been very busy learning the songs for our Christmas performance. We can't wait to show you all of our hard work! Here's a sneak peak of our singing...

Flicker Flicker

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We've been busy trying to get our head around time recently. By the end of Year 2, we should be able to tell the time to 15 minutes using vocabulary such as o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. It is a tricky old business but we're using our Haydn 5Rs to have a go!

During our Sustainability Week, we read Fish by Brendan Kearney, Somebody Swallowed Stanley by Sarah Roberts and Alba The Hundred Year Old Fish by Lara Hawthorne. All three books look at the impact of plastic on our oceans. Whilst we don't live near the sea, we still have an important role to play in looking after our marine ecosystems. We created posters explaining why plastic is so useful but also what we can do to use less of it!

We visited the Blackwoods Scout hut on Hucknall Road and the weather gods were really shining down upon us! We had to walk half a mile, crossing lots of busy roads, but we were all super sensible and represented our school brilliantly. We did some bark rubbing, a nature hunt, made collage hedgehogs, drank hot chocolate and even saw a badger's sett! What an awesome morning!

We've been trying our new view finders and showing off our new scientific vocabulary like, "man made" and "natural". See what we found in our school garden.

We have been developing our sketching skills and studying great artists such as Lowry and Claude Aubriet. We've sketched houses, plants and most recently insects. We turned our hands to sculpting and modelled our own spiders, butterflies or leaf insects. Have a look!

In Autumn 2, our topic will be "Into The Woods". This is a science topic where we learn about woodland creatures, build animal homes and develop our sketching skills. Have a look at our incredible homeworks that we made over the October half term. Aren't they brilliant!

We enjoyed visiting our school garden looking for all of the habitats we could find. Afterwards, we sketched a microhabitat (underneath a log) in our science books. We also found lots of signs of autumn!

Welcome to 1W


I have taken some photographs of our new classroom, there are lots of new areas for you to explore! I can't wait to show you all around our new room on Thursday. See you soon!


Mrs Ward

CLASS LETTERS - 1W - 2020-2021

FW 2019-2020

This week's planning is in two parts. If you were in school last week, please follow the planning in blue print. If you were at home last week please follow the planning in black print.

This is the last week's home learning planning. We will see you all back in school in September.

Have a great summer break everyone!

Week 18 Week commencing 20th July

Week 17. Week commencing 13th July

Return to school  


Hello everyone,


We are looking forward to seeing you all over the next few weeks. We have made a video so that you can see what school looks like. It is still the same happy place as you remember but there are some new things in place to keep us all safe. Do not worry we will explain everything to you when you return to school. We are going to have a lovely time.


See you soon.


Mrs Ward and Mrs Wallace

HI FW! Here is the planning for this week. We are going to be doing lots of art activities to join in with Sherwood Art week. Please send us photos of your creations, we love to see your work and we would like to put them on the website.

A message for everyone in FW


I hope you enjoyed reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar story, I think it is a fantastic book. The caterpillar eats my favourite fruit on Thursday. Can you remember what fruit he eats on that day? What day does the caterpillar eat your favourite food?


This week we will be continuing our work on The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I look forward to seeing some of your amazing work on Seesaw and in the emails that you send me.


Have fun and I will see you all on Thursday at our Zoom Party (party clothes are not essential but you can wear them if you would like!) Don't forget to tell your friends, it would be great to see everyone. The party will be a show and tell session, if you have something that you would like all of your friends to see make sure that you have it ready to show.  


See you soon,


Mrs Ward


P.S I am so excited about moving to Year One with you all. I hope you are pleased, it is going to be so much fun!



Week 13. Week commencing 15th June

Our First Zoom Party!

Hi everyone,


We would like to invite you all to our first Zoom Party. The details are below.


Topic: FW's Zoom Party
Time: Jun 18, 2020 03:50 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 646 070 0620
Password: FWFWFW20


We hope to see you all there.


Mrs Ward and Mrs Wallace

Week 12 planning is below - keep scrolling!!

National Best Friends Day

Monday 8th June


In our class we are all best friends! I thought that it would be really nice if we could all write a message to each other.  You might want to tell your friends what games you are looking forward to playing with them when you return to school, you could tell your friends about a new skill that you have learnt while you have been at home or you might just want to tell your friends how much you are missing them.


Please write your messages and then email them to me ( and I will put them on the website for everyone to see.

Mrs Ward's message

Emilia's message

Fatimah's message

Hi FW! Which book do you think we might be reading this week? Below are some clues.

Symmetry activity

Hirah's minibeasts

Week 10. Week commencing 25th May

Gingerbread man story map

Creative Quarter Challenges


Keep an eye on the Creative Quarter page ( ) on our website for weekly art challenges that you can all get involved in, inspiring websites and links.    


Hi FW,


We hope you are all well. Thank you for all of your contibutions on Seesaw and the emails that you have been sending. We love to read them! We are missing you so much. Keep having fun at home (and doing some home learning!)


Mrs Ward and Mrs Wallace

Question of the Week

In what ways are children better than adults? 

What do you think FW? 



Question of the week

Could you have a sport where everyone is on the same side?

What do you think FW? Could you make one up? Have a go!

Week 7, week commencing 4th May

Dear FW,

We hope you are all okay and still enjoying your time at home with your family.


Thank you for all the kind messages and photos you are sending in and posting on Seesaw, it is so nice to see all the work and activities you have been getting up to. If you haven't got Seesaw yet please e.mail for a link, it is a great way to share our work and fun.


From 4th May we will be using the Letters and Sounds lessons on You Tube as they are very similar to the phonics lessons we have at school. The link is on the planning sheet below. The lessons last about 20 minutes and your child will need a pencil, or pen and paper. They should be able to watch the video unsupported but may need a little encouragement to begin with. Please let us know how they get on. 


Take care everyone!

Mrs Ward and Mrs Wallace

Spring Work

Anya has drawn some beautiful spring flowers

Hirah's wonderful beanstalk

I wonder what Fatimah, Emmett, Barney and Leo would like to find at the top of their beanstalk

Emilia's gorgeous beanstalk. It is so tall!

Cass' stick man story grid

Haydn Surname Challenge!

Phonics lessons starting online week commencing 27th April

I thought this might be useful and you may want to use it alongside the phonics work that we are planning for the children to complete at home.

A big thank you to the parents


We would just like to say a big thank you to all of the parents for your continued support. We are so impressed with how many children have been completing the work that we have been setting each week. Please do not worry if your child does not complete all of the tasks that we set each week. We understand how challenging this can be if you are having to work from home, or your child is not that keen on doing the work. The main thing is that your child is doing a little bit of school work each day, to accompany all the other wonderful activities that you are providing for your child, while they are learning from home. Once again, THANK YOU.


A massive well done to the children


We are so proud of how well you have all adapted to your new routine. We have loved speaking to you all over the last few weeks. You are all having such wonderful home learning adventures. Please continue to send all of the emails, photos and videos as we love to receive them. We miss you so much and can't wait until we can all return to school and be one big happy class again! Speak again soon.


Mrs Ward and Mrs Wallace



Hirah playing the Jack and the Beanstalk game

Question of the Week

If pigs are what wolves eat, was the Big Bad Wolf bad?

What do you think FW? Talk about it with your family.



Seesaw is an online platform where children can digitally share the work and activities they have been doing at home and other children in the class can read, like and respond.


To access, either go to or download the seesaw app on iOS or Android. Sign up as a student and then enter using the QR code that you have received via email.


Once you are on, go to your inbox and there should be a message waiting for you. 


Please have a go and spread the word amongst your friends. I look forward to hearing from you all!


If you have any issues please email me and I will do my best to help you. 


Mrs Ward

Sam's amazing number 6

Hirah's gorgeous rainbow

Leo riding his bike on his birthday and making a mine craft chicken

Amos has been very busy!

More adventures from Romy

Fatimah's easter adventures

Woody designed an easter chicken called Toot who laid a rather long egg.

Emilia baking at home. Yum yum!

Coen found some daffodils on his walk. Spring has sprung!

Question of the Week


If you dig up buried treasure is it yours?


What do you think FW? Tell your family your thoughts.

Sam's Jack and the Beanstalk Film

Still image for this video

Anya discussed the 'Question of the Week' with her family

Fatimah's Home Learning

Still image for this video
Fatimah has been playing a matching game with the pictures and captions.

Romy's Home Learning Adventure



Behind Romy is a very special 'challenge card' for her to complete while she is working from home.  

April Birthdays


We would like to wish the following children a 'Happy Birthday'.

We hope that you enjoy your special day.









Please send us a photograph of you celebrating your birthday to:



Question of the week:

Would an elephant make a good pet?

Hello everybody,


I hope you are all well and being kind to your family. Thank you to those of you who have sent me photos and messages, it is good to hear that you are doing well. I have found some interesting questions which I thought might give you and your family something to talk about so I will put a 'Question of the Week' onto the website, don't argue about them, but listen to everyone's ideas and opinions carefully, there is no right or wrong answer!


Have you been doing some exercise? I've been doing the Joe Wicks workout on You Tube every day, it is hard but every day I can do a bit more! It would be good to know you are doing it at the same time as me!


I hope you have managed to plant the seeds we sent you, It will be great to see what colour all the flowers are. Even when everything changes and there is no school, the flowers keep on growing and the seasons carry on changing, we are heading into spring now, can you see leaves growing on the trees and flowers beginning to grow in the gardens?  


During the next two weeks we will be setting work for you to do at home so you can keep some routines going, but do remember to spend some special times as a family too!


Mrs Ward

Week 2 plan and phonics sentences. Week commencing 30th March.

Home Learning Pack

Here is another resource to use for ideas if you want to supplement the class home learning packs.


Home Learning


As the school is now closed, we have prepared a pack of resources for you to use with your child at home. We would suggest that children of this age thrive on some structure and routine in their day. Engage your child with cooking, games, crafts, books and stories, schoolwork and physical activity. It is important that your children stay active and keep talking! Having the same structure every day will really help your child and should help you too if you need to spend time working from home.

Each week we will update our class pages on the school website so you can follow a weekly plan of learning activities. We have also provided you with a home learning folder with a variety of tasks, activities and resources. It is clearly indicated on the home learning plan which resources are needed for each activity. As much as possible, we have tried to plan activities which once you have explained to the children, they should be able to complete independently.


Please find below, the attached planning documents and resources for use with your children during weeks 1 and 2 of school closures.

Each week that the school remains closed, we will add subsequent planning.


Please remember that you can email me by emailing

All emails will be forwarded to me


I would LOVE to hear from the children and find out all about their exciting home learning adventures!


Look after yourselves and stay safe smiley

Letter to Parents

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