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Happy Friday Nursery Children!

Fridays are our well-being day where we will be thinking about the themes of Kindness and Friendship, Keeping Active and Connecting to Others, as well as giving you all a chance to catch up on any activities that you have missed over the week. Choose some things from the activities below.


This week we are thinking about our friends and being fair. We're going to start by listening to a story...


The Little Red Hen

This is a story about being fair and working together. Have a listen and see what you think! You will notice the first version is told by a storyteller without a book. This means you will need to use your imagination and see the pictures in your head. If there are any words you don’t understand, be sure to ask your grown-up!

Story time: Little Red Hen | Oxford Owl

Here's another version for you to read along with. This one has pictures. Which will you like best I wonder?

The Little Red Hen #ReadAlong StoryBook Video For Kids Ages 2-7

Talking Together

Poor little red hen! Those other animals were so lazy! Especially in the second story! Which story did you enjoy the most? Did you notice any differences between the two? Was there a duck in the second story? Did the hen bake bread in both stories? That’s interesting! Lots of traditional stories are retold in different ways - you might notice that with other stories.

  • What do you think about the Little Red Hen eating the bread all by herself at the end?
  • And what do you think about the other animals in the story?
  • Do you think they were being fair? I think if I could write a new ending to the story I would give them a chance to say sorry and put right what they had done! What do you think?
  • It's important to be fair and to share the work with our family and friends. Can you think of some ways that you can share? 


Did you know that bread and cake are both made from wheat that grows in the field? The little red hen took the wheat to the mill where it is ground into flour. Have you ever been to visit a mill?


Watch this episode of Come Outside all about bread. You will find out lots of information!

Come Outside - BREAD

Here's the recipe for making soda bread again in case you didn't get round to making it last time and feel in the mood for homemade (easy!) bread now! Wouldn't it be lovely to help make something to share with your family? It could be bread or you could think of another way that you could share the work and make something for everyone to eat!

Keeping Active

Out and About this Weekend

Going for a walk is an easy way to get your children moving. However, sometimes it takes a little creativity to get everyone out the door! Here are a few ideas to help make going for a walk more interesting!


  • Make a scavenger hunt. Write a list of things to find or for non-readers you can make a picture list of objects for them to cross off as you walk. This list can be based on colours, or certain objects or a certain numbers of objects; it just depends on where you are walking.
  • Take Pictures. You can give them an old camera, buy a disposable or help them use yours, but children enjoy taking pictures. When you get home, you can take those pictures and make them into a simple book.
  • Collect and Dissect. Go out and collect acorns, flowers, and leaves, then bring the home and look inside them. Why not collect different sized pine cones or leaves?  It is a way to work on comparing objects and to see how things look on the inside. Only pick up things that your grown-up says are safe, of course.
  • Gather “treasures” for an art project. A walk is a great way to gather free art supplies. Go out and gather “treasures” then come home and create a work of art!

Keeping Connected 

Why not send a big smile and a wave to your nursery group leader? I know Mrs Wilkinson, Miss Storey and Mrs Smithson would love to hear from you! Send your photos to Ms Paulson ( and she will pass them on to your groups teachers. 



Here’s a message to you from Miss Storey and Mrs Wilkinson.

Miss Storey and Mrs Wilkinson send a special message to you all!

Let's finish with another story about being fair and sharing the work. This is a funny story and it always makes me laugh! But it has an important message...

Step Inside: Farmer Duck

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