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Week Commencing 09.01.23


Week Commencing 5.12.22








Week Commencing 28.11.22



Week commencing 10.10.22

All about number 3! 

In our busy time, we practise lots of maths skills such as ordering numbers, writing, creating and cutting shapes, making patterns and using calculators, however, in Puzzle time this week, we are learning all about the number 3! 
We are learning how we can make three using other numbers such as 1 + 2 and 3 + 0. We will learn where to spot 3 on a number line and how to find one more than 3. We will create three using a selection of resources and will understand how it is represented in other math resources such as on a dice face. 
Most importantly, we will learn how to represent 3 on a tens frame. We were introduced to tens frames last week and are really good at using them in our learning! Here is one below: 






Week commencing 



All about the number 2! 

This week, we are learning all about the number 2. We will learn how to spot 2, make 2, write 2 and will learn all about pairs. We will even make our own pair of socks! 


Can you spot any pairs in your house?



All about the number 1! 


We will learn lots about the number one, such as how to find 1 thing, how to write 1, how to make 1, how to put 1 and 1 together to make 2 and that a circle has 1 side.

We will also learn that first means the position 1 and that once means 1 time.



How can I support my child's learning at home?

- Your child could look out for things in the indoor and outdoor environment that they can see 1 of.
- Use objects to create a 'one' collage.
- Sing the One Finger One Thumb (Keep moving) song! Ask children to suggest body parts to add to the song.
- Play a Simon says 'jump one time', 'clap one time', 'hop one time' game.

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