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Named Governor for Safeguarding and Looked after children:
Mrs Helen Yates


Named Person for Children in Care:
Mrs Amanda Evans (SEND Lead)


At Haydn Primary and Nursery School the governors and staff are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils. We believe that the safety and protection of all pupils is paramount and that all staff, including volunteers play a full and active part in providing early help protecting pupils from harm. Our aim is to provide a calm and caring environment where children feel safe, happy and secure.


Everyone at Haydn is jointly responsible for safeguarding but we do have a dedicated team of trained Safeguarding Leads: Ms Paulson, Mrs Evans, Miss Harley and Miss Williamson.


Any adult, parent/carer or child can report a concern to the safeguarding team who will take the issue seriously, fully investigate and then offer support where needed.


A key role of safeguarding in school is to educate children about keeping themselves safe, happy and well. Our curriculum supports this through weekly Jigsaw PSHE sessions and regular assemblies as well as one-off enrichment days and visitors (see below for the slides from recent assemblies).


The effective safeguarding of children can only be achieved by putting children at the centre of the system, and by every individual and agency playing their full part, working together to meet the needs of our most vulnerable children, in line with the School's Safeguarding policy, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023. We work in partnership with families and the community to ensure this happens.


As well as supporting children in school, we do also offer support and guidance to parents who need help in the home or with specific concerns. This might involve making a Multi Agency Referral to Children and Families Direct who can then signpost the most relevant external support.


If you have any questions regarding safeguarding, our role as a team in the school or would like to know more about a specific issue please do not hesitate to get in  touch.


Haydn Safeguarding Policy 2023-24

Child-on-Child Abuse Policy September 2022

Haydn Anti-Bullying Policy 2024

Haydn Information Filtering and Monitoring Policy 2024


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