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Creative Quarter

Year 3 Art


The children have been completing some lovely Roman inspired Coil Pots linked to our Romans topic. They have been creating some sketchbook work around some textile artists called Alice Kettle and Hannah Rae and will be creating some beautiful art work on fabric and will incorporate sewing on top!



Art Club - Dragon Eyes!

The children have been creating some cool dragon eyes out of clay! They also created some beautiful designs in their sketchbooks

Year 4 Textiles


The Year 4 children have been designing their own book covers and have used fabric pens to decorate and have stitched them together.

Year 6 Activism Art


In this project, the children are introduced to the idea that they can use art as a way of sharing their passions and interests with their peers and community. They introduced the pupils to artists who are activists, and then we go on to help pupils identify and voice the things they care about as individuals. They created their own stencils and used screen printing to create the final effect on their collage!



Year 4 Egyptian Pharaohs!


Here are some side portraits connected to their History topic on The Egyptians!

Art Club - Halloween!


Look at the children's Tim Burton style self portraits for our Halloween session!

Year 1 - Goose Fair

Look at Year 1's wonderful Goose Fair inspired art work.

Drawing with Charcoal.


The Year 3's have loved their first art project using charcoal. They explored the beginnings of drawing with Cave Painting and have been created different marks thinking about light, dark and shadow.

Year 6 Fair Ground Rides


Look at these incredible fair ground rides that move using a motor. Year 6 have had a blast designing and creating their own rides inspired by Nottingham's Goose Fair.

Art Club - Birds


Look at the children's gorgeous bird sculptures!

Willow Weaving


The Year 3 children spent a rather sunny day weaving trees using willow branches. They worked together to create the leaves and the trunk and attached them to create a beautiful art installation that will last years!

Year 3 - Autism Week


The children in Year 3 had a lovely afternoon starting off Autism Celebration Week. We looked at a talented and autistic artist called Stephen Wiltshire. He creates beautiful cityscapes from all around the world purely from memory! The children practised using different lines using pen, they created a continuous line drawing of the Eiffel Tower and finally created their own cityscape using famous buildings from around the world.

Art Club - Paradise Pavements


The children in Art Club have been working on a project that will be exhibited in the Lakeside Arts Centre. This project is based on local wildlife in Nottingham. The children have been studying a local bird called a swift and have created some sketchbook work based on the bird, its habitat and diet!



Look at Year 3's awesome volcano paintings using some collaging. They also created some oil pastel pictures based on Andy Warhol.

Sherwood Forest


The Year 5 children went on a great day out to Sherwood forest. taking parts in lots of team work activities, including making these dens! They look cosy.

Paradise Pavements


Year 4 were extremely lucky to have artist Michelle Reader come into school and do an art based workshop. This workshop is based on the local wildlife and plants that you could find in Nottingham, and our local area of Sherwood. Using recycled materials the children have created beautiful sculptures depicting paradise found on our pavements!

Chinese Moon Rabbit!


The KS2 children had a very special treat. We had a theatre company come in from Lakeside Arts to show us a famous Chinese story.


Still image for this video

Chinese Calligraphy


Here are some Year 5 children learning Chinese Calligraphy!



We were extremely lucky to have the Theatre back at Haydn. The M&M Theatre Company performed an amazing production of Scrooge for children from Year 2 - 6. The children had a great time during this immersive and exciting experience, singing along and laughing a lot!


The Great Haydn Bake Off!


What better way to start off the final week of our first half term at school than to hold a Great Haydn Bake Off!

The children and their families got stuck in and baked an item of their choice at home and brought them in to share with their peers and teachers. In Key Stage 2, the children scored the bakes and voted for star bakers. We all left feeling very full and satisfied!

Art Club - Autumn Term


To start off our art club we have been focussing on mark making and drawing techniques. In our first session we listened to different types of music, felt the energy from the sounds and let this travel down to our drawing tools. We looked at Kandinsky and his art and discussed how music was a key inspiration to him. In the next few sessions we created some observational drawings in our sketchbooks learning to draw what we see from different angles using pencil and charcoal to make shadows and show depth. The children looked at famous line drawings such as Gustav Klimt as created our own perspective drawings using rulers. We have had a great start and can't wait until next term!

Architecture Ambassadors

In July 2021 We had an architecture Ambassador come in and work with both Year 4 classes. They collected different recycled materials and designed and made structures, these included gyms, hospitals cinemas and other buildings. The architect talked about her job and her qualifications and explained the process of designing, making prototypes and building for clients!


Join us for The Great Big Art Exhibition, a nationwide project created by the famous artist Anthony Gormley. Read our information pack which explains how to take part in the current theme ‘Colour’. This will be run in school but we would love for you to get involved at home too. Please open the document below for more information:

The Window of Our World


A Nottingham Schools Trust Art Network Project

All of us have spent time indoors during the COVID19 pandemic.  Everyone sees the world through their own window in their own way.  This is an art project to share some of the things that are important to you during this time.  Have a look at the PowerPoint and Word document below to find out more details.   


Don't forget to email a picture to me:


Subject: Art Challenge

If you are happy for your work to be shared on the website, please state this in your email.


Challenge 8

Let's spread messages of hope to the people of Nottingham!

Follow this link to take part in an art project run by the local theatre group Nonsuch:

As always, don't forget to share your creations:


Subject: Art Challenge

If you are happy for your work to be shared on the website, please state this in your email.

Challenge 7 - Create an alien!

Use this poem to create a weird and wacky alien!

This challenge is set by Lakeside Arts.  Follow this link -


Don't forget to email a picture to me:


Subject: Art Challenge

If you are happy for your work to be shared on the website, please state this in your email.

Creative learning at home


On this page, whilst you are learning from home, I'll be sharing creative ideas, links to creative pages and weekly challenges for all children (and adults) to get involved in.  I will try to share challenges that require materials that are readily available in most homes.  However, if you don't have the materials feel free to get creative and adapt the challenge! Below is the first challenge.  Have fun!

Miss Bell x

Challenge 6 - Create your own sketchbook

This is a fun activity that you can work on over time. Collect together any pieces of paper that you find in your house. This could be: envelopes, wallpaper samples, writing paper, parcel paper wrapping paper, pages of old books (be imaginative) Next find a piece of cardboard to make your front and back cover. Raid your recycle bin or wait for your next box of cereal to be emptied - this will nicely make a sturdy cover.



Your front cover can be personalised with bits and bobs found in your home.

Next, pop your found paper on the inside - folded in half to create a centre crease.


The easiest way to bind all of this together is with an elastic band through the middle of your gathered paper (ask your postman - they carry lots of used ones)

Or if you have a hole punch and wool - this would work well too. Be creative!


Once your sketchbook has been made - enjoy filling it full of creative drawings, experiments, artists work that excites you, ideas, sketches, andpaintings over the next few weeks. You can add pages and take them out over time.
Don't forget to share your creations:


Subject: Art Challenge

If you are happy for your work to be shared on the website, please state this in your email.



Challenge 5 - Flipbook Animation


The Science Behind Flip Books

Persistence of vision is the optical illusion created by the fast moving images such as a flip book. The images are moving faster than your eye so instead of seeing individual pictures your eye sees the pictures as if it is moving.


Step 1: Draw your object on the first page.

Step 2: On the second page, draw the same object but slightly moved to one side.

Step 3: Continue to draw your object on each individual page. Each time slightly move the object.

Step 4: Flip through the pages and watch your animation come to life!


A great one to start with is a bouncy ball!


Check out this link for a flipbook tutorial:


Send you animation to Miss Bell:


Subject: Art Challenge

If you are happy for your work to be shared on the website, please state this in your email.




Oscar's Ace Animation! 2S

Still image for this video

Daniel Davies 6H - An Amazing Animation!

Still image for this video

Challenge 4 - Animation Opportunity

Get involved with Access Arts animation opportunity.  Check out this website for all the details including how and where to send your animations:

The closing date is this Friday at 10pm.

As always, why not send you animation to Miss Bell:


Subject: Art Challenge

If you are happy for your work to be shared on the website, please state this in your email.


Challenge 2- Continuous Line Drawing

Watch the video on this site: 

Can you draw an object without taking your pen off the page?! This exercise is great because you can use any kind of pen, pencil or drawing equipment. Experiment with different objects (your favourite toy, a piece of fruit etc.).

Try as many times as you like. Sometimes it's good to try more than once to see how your drawing changes.



Send your examples to Miss Bell:

Subject: Art Challenge

If you are happy for your work to be shared on the website, please state this in your email.

Challenge 1 – Transient Art


Transient art is simply art without glue! Non-permanent art. You can use anything to make your artwork (natural or synthetic)! It can be small-scale or large-scale and individual or collaborative.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to create a piece of transient art.  Why not create several using different materials (sticks, fruit, stones, lego, recycling)? Get the family involved or why not have a transient art-off?  The possibilities are endless.  Get creative and get making!


Here are some examples of transient art:




Andy Goldsworthy is a famous artist who creates transient art.  Here are some examples of his work:



Check out these clips to see more of Andy Goldsworthy work:


Finally, why not photograph you works of art and send examples to me, Miss Bell: 

Subject: Art Challenge

If you are happy for your work to be shared on the website, please state this in your email.

I look forward to seeing and sharing your artworks! 


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