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Geography at Haydn: a tour of the world! Our curriculum has been collaboratively designed by all teachers and we enjoy teaching it. We value the importance of teaching current global issues, such as sustainability, and are confident to use specialist vocabulary. We want our geography to be exciting, meaningful and relevant to the children. We want the subject to be fun, creative and interactive. We maximise every opportunity to widen our locational and place knowledge by looking on maps to see where new authors are from, where stories are set, where news articles are based or where the children have been on their holidays to name but a few!


Our youngest learners take small, carefully guided steps out of our gates, while our independent Year 6s are encouraged to enjoy giant leaps around the globe! We want our children to embody our core values; to be ready, resilient, resourceful, reflective and respectful. The intent is for our geography teaching to equip our children with not only the minimum statutory requirements of the geography national curriculum, but to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life in an ever changing world.


We ensure that the ‘Geography Skills and Field Work” component of our provision is built-on and developed throughout children’s time at our school so that they can apply their knowledge of geography when exploring the outdoors, building arguments and explaining processes confidently. We want them to leave Haydn continuing to ask questions and be curious about our planet.


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