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Welcome to Year 4 2022-23


Welcome to Year 4 we are looking forward to an exciting year ahead.  Both classes have made an excellent start and it was lovely to meet so many parents at our meeting.  For those of you unable to attend, please see the powerpoint we used attached.

Strings Concert

Gosh I am so proud of you year 4 and the musicians that you have become. Your hard work really paid off and it was so lovely hearing you play in front of an audience. I hope you eNjoyed it just as much as we did watching it!


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Welcome meeting powerpoint

Class Letters 2022-2023

Wollaton Trip 2023

What a trip! Who knew children could have so many hours without sleep? The children (and adults) had a great time at Wollaton. We spent the day orienteering around the grounds and shelter building using our excellent teamwork skills. In the evening we had a lovely campfire roasting marshmallows and popcorn and lots of playtime before a very quiet bedtime. Well done year 4, your behaviour this trip has been exceptional!

The Great Orchestra Experiment

Wow what a day! 4H had an exciting time getting on the bus into town with all their instruments to go play with lots of other Nottinghamshire schools and a youth orchestra. The children played and sang along to music all around the world and even heard an opera song being performed. What lucky children!


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Perlethorpe River Trip

4H had the most amazing day visiting the River Meden in Perlethorpe, set in the beautiful grounds of Thoresby Estate. We had a lovely morning getting our feet very wet looking for aquatic life and measuring how wide and fast the river was. We then had a interesting afternoon on a mini-beast hunt on an investigation over whether we would find more animals in the grassland of Thoresby Estate or in the woodland. The children were very well behaved and learnt lots. A trip we will definitely remember even if it is for the soggy feet!

A visit from Michelle Reader

Year 4 had a lovely day with Michelle Reader making sculptures from recyclable materials. Michelle 

has been making recycled sculpture for over 20 years. Through Michelle's art and sculptures, Michelle highlights the links between the things we consume and the destruction of wildlife habitats, whilst at the same time portraying the beauty and wonder of the natural world.

Lakeside Moon Rabbit come to Haydn

We were very fortunate to watch the 'Lakeside Moon Rabbit.' The children learnt all about the stories that surround Chinese New Year and even saw three instruments from China. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and are now on the lookout to see if they can find a rabbit on the moon themselves tonight!

Me vs Me

We had great fun challenging ourselves and others in physical activities such as running, speed bounce and throwing. The children have been practising to beat their original scores and many were successful in achieving this. Well done 4H!

Matilda Themed Day

In preparation for our visit to see 'Matilda the Musical', we had a very special visit from the previous West End Matilda, Lily-Mae Evans. Lily-Mae discussed her time on the West End and even taught the children her dance in the musical from the song Naughty. The children had a great time and may even show off their moves to you tonight. Hopefully just the dance moves not the naughty part! 

4H Singing 'Naughty'

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Dancing to Matilda's 'Naughty'

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Emma Carroll Author Event - 29th November 2022


To mark 100 years since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb, we attended a live zoom event with over 200 other schools hosted by Emma Carroll: author of our class book 'Secret's of a Sun King'.  She read us some extracts from the book and spoke about the discovery of the tomb by Howard Carter 100 years ago today!

The Great Haydn Bake-off!


Well done 4H. From bakers to tasters, I believe we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and definitely had no shortages of cake!

National Poetry Day- 06/10/22

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For national poetry day we focused on writing a poem all about Ancient Egyptian pharaohs. First, we learnt all about Pharaohs and some famous pharaoh's such as Tutankhamun and Cleopatra. Following this, we wrote a poem describing what a pharaoh looked like.

Scrooge 2022


We enjoyed a visit from the theatre for a (slightly early) Christmas production of Scrooge. The children had a great time and enjoyed some fabulous music and acting for the afternoon. 

Ancient Egyptian Topic Work

During out Ancient Egyptian topic we studied Ancient Egyptian jobs. We then became Ancient Egyptian bakers and jewellers, practising our skills in making Egyptian flatbread and necklaces.

3M 2021-2022

While we were waiting for our turn to go in to the church the children had a fantastic time playing in the 'Pirate Park' nearby. 

A highlight of our time in the park was the discovery of a small hedgehog asleep near the slide. 

The hedgehog was out in the open so we carefully picked it up and moved it to the side of the park under some vegetation, where it could sleep safely.  

As part of our R.E. topic on religious buildings we visited St John's Church, Carrington. Suzie talked to the children about the church and the symbols and objects they could see inside. The children went on a 'Treasure Hunt' to find various items in the church. Then they had a biscuit and a drink. 

The children enjoyed seeing the tennis trophy. Some were able to have a coaching session. The whole class joined in with some tennis related activities outside. (In between the rain showers!!)

In numeracy the children have been looking at measuring length. These children used iPads, while working with Miss Elson, to measure objects in centimetres to one decimal place.

In literacy we have been reading a child's version of Julius Caesar. The children enjoyed the drama session creating freeze frames of different parts of the play. One part in particular was their favourite. Can you tell which part it was?

Our volcano topic began with investigating the layers of the earth and creating 'plates' to illustrate this. The children included interesting facts about each layer on their work.

Have you asked them what facts they can remember?

The Layers of the Earth

This half term we are learning about Volcanoes. We have more exciting design and art projects planned to accompany this topic. 

We really enjoyed the Romans in Britain topic last half term. Here are 2 of the children in their Roman Helmets.

Welcome to the second half of the Autumn term.


We had a great start to the year and the children settled in really well. 

CLASS LETTERS - 3M - 2021-2022

2S 2020 - 2021

Class Letters 2020 - 2021

Elements of Art!

We have learned that artists use all kinds of shapes. Geometric shapes are often found in human-made things, like buildings and machines while biomorphic shapes are found in nature. We looked at works by Paul Klee, Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso. 


We have developed techniques in using line. We explored the works of Leonardo Da Vinci and Pablo Picasso. We completed different line and shape drawings in our sketch books. 


We loved learning about the artist Wassily Kandinsky and his life and art works. He believes that every colour has a soul and uses colour in all his pieces. We re-created his famous ‘Circles’ piece. 


We have worked to develop techniques in using pattern. We learned about the work of Gustav Klimt, William Morris and created simple pattern designs.  


We have used all we have learned on line, shape, pattern and colour to create some beautiful art prints. We used special printing inks and rollers to make our prints. 


Tudor Houses!


We have loved learning about our topic The Great Fire of London! To finish off our work this term we had a fun arts and crafts day building Tudor Style Houses out of recycled materials. We worked in teams and supported each other and making decisions together. 

World Book Day 2021!

We had the best World Book Day! We had a lovely assembly with the children at home, shared stories, designed book front covers, completed a Kahoot quiz and much more!

Chinese New Year!

We had a wonderful time celebrating Chinese New Year. We created beautiful pictures and wrote Happy New Year in Chinese! 



We were very excited little children coming into school and we have so much fun playing in the snow and building snowmen!

Children's Mental Health Week 2021


This week we have been learning about Mental Health. We had a lovely afternoon thinking about our feelings, what they look like and drawing them on life size pictures of people. It was so much fun!



Worry Monsters!


As part of Children's Mental Health Week we crated our own Worry Monsters. We can write our worries down and the monster can worry about it for us!

Menorah's - Judaism


To celebrate Hanukah we created these beautiful Menorah Candles ! We learned about his religious celebration and story and used collage on our work!

Mad about Plants


We are learning about plants this week. In school we have planted our own beans and we will watch them grow! (Hopefully into a magical Beanstalk). We also made some plants using play dough and have labelled them.


We all played a game of Boccia together in the hall. This game is played at national and international levels including the Paralympics!


We have had a lovely time at school taking part in lots of Christmas activities. We wrote letters to Santa, created a Christmas video for parents, made our own calendars, had a party in the hall and even had Christmas dinner!

Nature Weaving!

We have been working together to create these fantastic nature weaves! We create a triangular loom using sticks and wool and practiced the under, over technique!

Tidy - Pete the Badger!

We have loved reading the story Tidy by Emily Gravett about a badger called Pete who loves to keep the forest tidy and neat. We have written some brilliant introductions to the story using lots of adjectives and verbs!


We Love Hedgehogs!

How amazing are these information texts all about hedgehogs! We have loved learning lots of interesting facts about these fascinating creatures and worked so hard on our presentation.

Observational Drawing - Plants!

In Year 2 we have been doing lots of work on woodland settings. Here are two examples of some beautiful sketchbook work, making observational sketches of plants!

Hedgehog Houses!

  Some of the children created some amazing hedgehog houses for our into the woods topic! The hedgehogs are going to have lovely places to hibernate in this winter!



Andy Goldsworthy - Transient Art


We worked in groups and created some beautiful transient art using natural materials. This work was based on the artist Andy Goldsworthy. We learned that he cherishes the environment and will use all sorts of materials found outside!

Design and Technology

Bird Feeds!

In connection to our 'Into the Woods' topic we have designed and created our own bird feeds. We investigated existing products, drew designs and created them using a range of recyclable and waterproof materials! We took them home or hung them in the school garden!


Home Learning WB 12.10.20


Hi Year 2! I hope you are all safe and well while isolating. Below there is a weeks plan, resources and activities you can take part in this week. I will upload the activities daily on this page and on TEAMS.


Please let school know if you have any problems and we will try to help you any way we can.


Miss Smith

Maths Powerpoint - Whole Week

Home Learning Resources Friday 16th October 2020

Home Learning Resources - Tuesday 13th October 2020

Welcome to Year 2!

CLASS LETTERS - 2S -  2020 - 2021

1T 2019 - 2020



Dear 1T,

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your cards, gifts and kind words.


I have felt privileged to get to know you all over the course of this year, and although things didn't go quite how we expected them to, I am so proud of you all and everything you achieved.  You have impressed me with your resilience, hard work,  ability to take everything in you stride and, above all, to keep smiling through it all!


I will miss each and everyone of you, but remember I will be watching closely from next door!

Have a great summer, stay safe and never stop smiling!!


All my love


Miss Thieme xxxxx


Welcoming Year 1 back to school!


Wow 1T you have been amazing!!!!


Welcome back and what fabulous first week we have had!

Everyone has been so brave, taken everything in their stride and had such huge smiles. 

We are so proud of you all.

We talked about our friends who weren't at school and how we miss them too.



Year 1 bubbles

                                 THANK YOU!!

1T you should be very proud of yourselves and your grown ups!  I want to say a HUGE thank you all for working so hard with all of your home learning, and adjusting to these strange circumstances!

Stay Safe from #TEAMHAYDN

We have a message to send home to all of you, we miss you so much and hope you are all staying safe!

In celebration of all your hard work at home the Lord-Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire, Jon Peace, has award you all a achievement certificate!  

GROWN UPS!!!! If you can you print it out to give to your child to please can you do so, any issues please email me and we can arrange something!


We are all so proud of all your hard work heart

Our funny faces to make us smile

Fergus' Beegu Adventure

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Amazing work Fergus

Happy Easter love George

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We miss you too Annabel

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Kaeleb's fun in the sun

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Go George!!

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Felix is feeling accomplished!

Felix has been working very hard to look after all the seeds that he planted when we finished school.  Finally, after 3 whole weeks, he has lots and lots of shoots!!!!  He is feeling very pleased with himself cheeky  He has measured how tall they are with his ruler and wrote it down in his seed diary. He is going to carry on watering them everyday because he is very excited to see what is going to happen next!

Felix the Fox took advantage of the beautiful weather to start his home learning by planting all sorts of different seeds and plants: tomatoes, strawberries, beetroot, beans, carrots and sunflowers.  To make sure he keeps practising his lovely handwriting, he is keeping a seed diary of what  he does, what happens over time, how they change and maybe a bit of measuring too if they grow!  He really is a clever little fox (he must get it from all of 1T!) xx

Week 7 Home Learning Plan

Week 6 Home Learning Plan

Week 1 Home Learning Plan

Week 2 Home Learning Plan

Week 3 Home Learning Plan

Week 4 Home Learning Plan

Week 5 Home Learning Plan

Week 5 Resources

Happy Easter!

Felix is feeling in the Easter spirit!  We hope you are all well and safe at home.

We have loved the Easter cards you have been making for us and hope you have a very lovely Easter! Fingers crossed the Easter bunny can still bring some chocolate eggs!?! We look forward to hearing all about it!


 Lots of Love from

Miss Thieme, Mrs Tank and Felix xxx



Something strange crash landed in the playground today!!!!!

Spring 2


Welcome back 1T!

We have another busy half term planned, with our learning being based 

all around SPACE and including a fabulous trip to The National Space Centre on

Tuesday 24th of March. 

Already the children are wowing me with their knowledge and facts about space!




This term we have started our spelling tests and I so impressed with the way the children have embraced learning their words, their efforts really show.  Remember that learning them can be creative and fun as well!

Spring 1


Its hard to believe we are already half way through this half term!


Our topic is all about 'Polar Regions' and we have been busy at work producing some beautiful creative work all about Polar Bears and Penguins.    We have been looking at fabulous stories like 'Lost and Found', 'Poles Apart', 'The Emperor's Egg' and 'The Bear' to guide our learning, and even have a go at waddling like penguins carrying our eggs to keep them safe from the ice.

Spring Term Curriculm Letter

Autumn 2


We had such a super busy half term and everybody worked so hard!

Our half term topic was 'Under the Sea'.  We learnt lots about different sea creatures and plants that live under the sea.  The definite highlight was designing and making our own aquariums, which everyone put so much effort into.


A Pirate visited our class and left us clues round the classroom! His name was Pirate Pete.  We used his story to create our own Pirate stories and learnt how to use adjectives to make our writing more descriptive.


We celebrated so many different occasions:  Bonfire Night, Children in Need, Remembrance Day and finally Christmas.  On party day we even had a visit from  Santa who gave us all a present.




Welcome to Class 1T 2019-20

We have has a great start to Year 1 and everyone has settled in so well,

I am so proud of them all!


So far this term we have been very busy investigating 'Ourselves and Our World'.

We started with families and Stickman then moved onto adventures

with Paddington Bear, landmarks and maps.

Curriculum Letter Autumn Term 2019

Welcome to Class FH 2018-19

Information from the F2 Literacy Workshop for Parents - 20th September

Information from F2 Maths Workshop for Parents - 8th November

Autumn Term 2

Autumn Term 1

What a great start we have had to our learning journey here at Haydn! We have loved getting to know our new teachers, making new friends and exploring our new learning environment. We've already done so many things and are learning new skills all of the time!

We're Going on a Barefoot Bear Hunt!

We went on a walk to Woodthorpe Park looking for signs of Autumn.

It was a beautiful, sunny day and we collected lots of treasures

to put on our nature table back at school.

We've had 1 9 9 4 5 3 Visitors
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