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Goodbye 3T!             

I cannot believe the year is now over!  It really has flown by and it has been incredible seeing the children mature and grow in independence and resilience.  We know we will continue to see the children around school and can't wait to hear about their new adventures.


Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts, we are extremely grateful.


Best wishes to all our families,

Miss Thieme and Miss Elson x

Summer 1 : The Maya 


We really have had the most fantastic few weeks to the start of summer.  Despite a little disruption due to strikes and coronations, the children have continued to thrive and grow (Literally! They are getting so tall!).  We have travelled back in time to learn about The Maya, grown sunflowers and turned flowers blue.  Our writing and maths has progressed fantastically, with children confidently now showing off their developing skills.  They showed great resilience whilst stitching their own Day of the Dead skull, and the results have been spectacular! 


  A clear highlight was our trip to Cadbury World.  The children behaved impeccably, wowed the presenter with all our facts and of course, loved the chocolate!  


We continue to be extremely proud of them all and wish all our families a wonderful break.


Miss Thieme and Miss Elson x

 Spring 2 : Lights, Camera, Action!


It's incredible to believe we are now two thirds of the way through the year!   The children have been continued to be amazing and all work so hard. 

Despite some disruption, the children have impressed us with their resilience and determination to succeed.  Our learning journey has taken us back in time to investigate the history of film, think about healthy eating and preparing our own salad, as well as investigating friction and magnets.   


A particular highlight of the term was our brilliant Ukulele concert.

The children worked so hard in their lessons and the end result was superb! 


We am extremely proud of them all and wish all our families a wonderful break.


Miss Thieme and Miss Elson x

Welcome to Spring 1 : Light and Shadows


Happy New Year! 

Firstly, we would like to thank everyone for their cards and generous Christmas gifts and hope everyone had a lovely time together with their families.  Spring term is one of my favourites, where the children develop and change so much.


We have had the most superb start to the half term! The children have been amazing and worked so hard.  We have absolutely loved our first Ukulele lesson, we even played our first song!


Miss Thieme and Miss Elson x



Class Letters 2022-2023

Magna Science Adventure Centre! 


Wow!!  We have had the most wonderful day out.  We explored the wonders of science and technology in their four pavilions – Air, Earth, Fire and Water.  The whole day was completely interactive, with some much for the children to try out.  We took part in a volcanoes and rocks workshop which included erupting our own volcanoes and sorting rocks, where everyone got involved being scientists and watched a demonstration of the old steel furnace in the 'Big Melt'.     

Autumn 2


Time once again seems to flying by at serious speed! 3T once again again have astounded me with their hard work, effort and overall loveliness!  In sustainability week, we received a letter from the Lorax which we replied too. We have celebrated remembrance day by making stain glass poppies,  and begun a celebration of world sport to tie in with the world cup.   Elliot, our sports councillor pulled out the hat for us Uruguay and England so we got the atlas' out to find out where Uruguay was.  We are currently thoroughily enjoying learning William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, understanding the plot and meeting the characters ready to retell the story.


Next stop ......... Magna Science Adventure Centre! 

Autumn 1


It is hard to believe that our first half term is almost over!!  The children have worked so hard, and immersed themselves into all things Roman.  Our Haydn Bake off was a huge success, and we have thoroughly enjoyed eating through the leftovers at playtime!  We have celebrated with a Roman day including making bread, designed and built working aqueducts and completed our swimming lessons..  In Literacy, we have written reports about the Romans, using all the facts we have learnt as well as creating two different types of poetry! We have been so busy!


Have a wonderful break and see you all after half term, we will miss you lots.


Miss Thieme and Miss Elson 

Welcome to 3T!


We have had an amazing start to Year 3 and it has been a pleasure getting to know all of the children.  The children have settled into their new class and school routines so well, we are extremely proud of them.


It's definitely going to be an exciting year!   


Miss Thieme and Miss Elson x

2S 2021-2022


We have had a fantastic start to the year. We are all settling in beautifully and are so happy to be back together after a long summer. It's going to be a great year! smiley


Arts Week 2022


We have had a fantastic time during Arts Week. We based our project on our topic 'Jamaica'. We studies the Jamaican born artist Althea McNish and explored the famous milliner Philip Treacy and his iconic hat designs. We designed our own hats in our sketchbooks and then created them using cardboard. We created our own flowers by sewing them. Aren't they amazing!

Jamaican Style Landscapes

Jubilee Art!


We have had a fantastic week celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Look at our gorgeous art work and stamp designs!

Nottingham Castle!


What a way to start the final summer term. We had a blast at Nottingham Castle. We ventured deep into the caves and learned about their uses years ago. It was very cold! We learned about the stories of Robin Hood and his Merry Men and practiced virtual archery and played games. We loved playing in the amazing play park with our friends and sat and had our lunch in the sunshine on the grass.

Aviation - Testing our Paper Aeroplanes!

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We have loved our topic on Aviation this half term. We have been making our own paper aeroplanes and testing them out at school!

The creation of the world


In our R.E learning we explored the Christian faith and the story of God creating the world in 7 days. We have created some beautiful oil and chalk pastel pictures of each day in the children's eyes.

Aviation Posters - WORD Processing

We have learned lots of new skills creating posters using Microsoft Word. We created text boxes, adding in writing. We changed the font, size and colour and we copied and pasted images onto the document!

Aircrafts of the Future!


The children have been exploring different types of aircrafts designed and made over time. They have designed their very own aircrafts for the future! They have lots of purposes including carrying people, cargo, exploring space, saving animals and RAF aircrafts.

Garden of Dreams and Goals


In our PSHE learning we have been discussing our dreams and goals. We had a lovely morning creating dream birds for our garden of dreams and goals. We had to work well in a team and make sure everybody took turns and had a lovely time together!

Eid Mubarak! Many of our children have celebrated Eid this week. Some of them came in to school in their beautiful celebration clothes and explained what Eid means to them and their families. The girls also had wonderfully intricate mehndi patterns on their hands. What a happy time!

Mixed Media Collage

We have loved learning about line, shape, pattern and colour. To end our project, we have created some mixed media collages. We took photographs of each other and created a beautiful picture showing our imagination, things we love and celebrating our personalities.

Trip Recounts

Look at these incredible pieces of writing about our trip to White Post Farm! 

Glockenspiel Music!

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We regularly have little dancing breaks throughout the day and the boys are in the lead!

Cosmic Disco

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We like to start every Friday morning with some cosmic disco!

Scratch Junior


We have very much enjoyed our computing this half term using Scratch Junior! They use this program to create their own interactive stories and games. Children snap together graphical programming blocks to make characters move, jump, dance, and sing. Children can modify characters in the paint editor, add their own voices and sounds, even insert photos of themselves -- then use the programming blocks to make their characters come to life.


We have been learning about the invasion happening in Ukraine. We spent some time learning about this beautiful country and their lifestyle. The children located it on a map and talked about their wild animals, local cuisines and weather. The children then created their own sunflower paintings which is their national flower, drawing from Vincent Van Gogh's style.

White Post Farm!

In Science, we have been learning about animals, including humans. We have learnt that animals change from babies to adults and what animals need to survive. So, we went on a trip to White Post Farm! We were so lucky with the weather and we had an excellent time holding rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and goats and we even stroked snakes, bearded dragons and fed sheep! We couldn't believe our eyes when farmer Kate brought us a 3 day old lamb to pet! Luckily, no one was eaten by a goat and we all had a great time!

Music with Mr Fretwell

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We love Thursday afternoons with our music teacher.

Animal Research Project

To start off our science topic on 'Animals Including Humans' we set homework to research an animal. It was lovely to hear all the fun and fascinating facts the children had learned. Here are some!

You're A Bad Man Mr Gum!

We have had the best time reading 'You're a Bad Man Mr Gum' by Andy Stanton. Mr Gum is a horrible man who hates children and fun. The only good thing we can say about him is that he looks after his garden, but even that is only because an angry fairy who lives in his bathtub will hit him with a frying pan if he doesn’t. We have learned about Onomatopoeia, similes and much more! We wrote some honest and hilarious book reviews too!

Children's Mental Health Week 2022!

We have had a brilliant week celebrating Children's Mental Health. We have taken part in lots of activities!


  • Cosmic yoga
  • Mindfulness colouring
  • Read beautiful stories
  • Friday's 'Dress to Express Yourself'


We finished off the week by reading the story ‘Aaron Slater Illustrator’ by Andrea Beaty and it is about a young boy who loves to listen to stories and dreams of writing his own but when he reads the letters they look like squiggles! He uses his unique love for drawing to portray his story. We have had a go at portraying a story using our own illustrations just like Aaron.

Marble Run Madness!

We have spent this last week of the half term designing and creating marble runs. We worked together in teams and made the designs into reality using recycled materials! We had the best time testing them out with our friends and having a laugh!

The Jewish Torah

As part of our religious education studies, we learned about the Jewish Torah. It is the central and most important document of Judaism and has been used by Jews through the ages. They believe that the Torah shows how God wants Jews to live. We have made our own and written our own teachings we feel are important to follow!

Venus Fly Traps!

During our science topic on plants, we have spent some time learning about Venus Fly Traps. We have put our excellent writing skills to good use creating posters. We used fancy words like "interestingly" to share our knowledge. Look at our beautiful drawings!


Happy Chinese New Year!


We were very fortunate to have been involved in an online lesson with a teacher living in China! We learned the story of Chinese New Year and the 12 Zodiacs. We created our own tigers and had a lovely day learning about their traditions!

Research a Country!

Over the holidays, the children spent some time researching a country of their choice. When we came back to school, they presented their findings to the rest of the class. The children presented their project in many different ways and we had so much fun learning about different cultures, languages, cuisines, animals, sports and climate!


We have loved spending our first week back creating our own dragon poetry based on the story 'The Dragon Stoorworm' by Theresa Breslin.

Christmas Party!


We have had a fun filled week of Christmas activities. Today, we played games in the hall, had a dance off and made our own crowns. We settled down to watch The Grinch with some yummy snacks.


Pop Up Santa!


The children made Christmas Cards for their families. They added in a sliding element so that Santa pops out of the chimney.




Christmas Singing!

The children have been practising Christmas songs for their Nativity Play.

This is one of our favourites.



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We LOVE Hedgehogs!


The children have been working on a project all about Hedgehogs! We designed Hedgehog Houses for them to Hibernate in during the winter. We also created fantastic posters showing off our knowledge about Hedgehogs Appearance, Diet and Habitat. 


Tidy - By Emily Gravett

The children loved reading the story 'Tidy' about a badger called Pete who likes to clean the forest and keep everything neat. Unfortunetly, he went a bit too far! They have written some beautiful story introductions!


We have really missed singing with Mrs Needham! Every Wednesday we get together, sing our favourite songs and play musical instruments. This is one of our favourites. heart

Singing with Mrs Needham

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As part of our religious studies, we have been learning about famous leaders. We loved learning about Nelson Mandela, Marie Curie, Mother Theresa and Mahatma Gandhi! They all made huge contributions to the world and helped form the society we live in today!

Welcome to NG5!


Our first topic in Year 2 has been based around our local area. We have learned about different types of housing, the importance of postcodes and completed lots of map work. Here are some maps of Sherwood we created. Have a look and see if you can recognise the streets!

Animal Habitats!


For our 'Into the Woods' topic we set some half term homework and they didn't disappoint! They have created their own animal habitats from all over the world. They are super creative and had a lot of fun making them. Well done 2S!

Blackwoods Trip!


In November, we went on our first trip to our local woodland area. After a long walk, we arrived and took part in lots of fun activities. We created pictures by rubbing on top of bark, we went on a mini beast hunt and we made pictures on the ground using natural materials. We loved getting together in the hut to eat biscuits, drink hot chocolate and listen to a story. It was a great day!




During the Autumn Term we have based our learning around the woods and animals. We have been working in our sketchbooks, creating beautiful sketches and drawings around mini beasts of our choice. We finished the project by making our own 3D/Sculptural insects!

Sustainability Week!

Year 2 read a story called ‘Fish’ by Brendan Kearney which explores the impacts of plastic pollution on our oceans and marine life. They worked together to create posters explaining the pros and cons of plastic. In connection to our Into The Woods topic, we also created 3D Mini Beasts out of recycled materials. Take a look at some of our posters we created!


Current 1H. Here is a copy of this week's planning for our self isolation week.

1H 2021-2022

A big 'Hello' to the new children joining 1H in September, Mr England and I are looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you all.

I am really sorry that we can't meet you because both your year group and our year group are isolating. I just wanted to let you know that in September we will still have busy time, our classroom has a creative area and space to play outside with sand and water, it also has lots of blocks, lego and some other construction toys so there is lots to do in busy time, which we call

Discovery Time' in Year 1. We will also have phonics and maths time and we will learn about lots of other things too. Why don't you have a look at the photos of our classroom below and here is a video of me reading a story for you. 

Video for F2.mp4

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1H 2020 - 2021


We have a new name, we are now in class 1H! I can't wait to see you all again on Thursday. I have been getting our new classroom ready during the holidays and I thought you might like to see some photos! As well as the areas in the photos we also have a workshop and a reading corner in our classroom. We have an outside space where we will have our café, a role play area, a reading area, a water tray and a sand tray. Let's hope we have lots of nice weather. If it is cold or rainy you will need to bring a waterproof coat from home.

I am really looking forward to showing everything to you!

See you on Thursday!

Mrs Harris

CLASS LETTERS - 1H - 2020 - 2021
                                                FH 2019 - 2020

This week the planning is in two parts. If you were in school last week, follow the planning in blue print. If you were at home last week, follow the planning in black print.

This is the last week of home learning. We will see you all back in school in September.

Have a lovely summer break everyone!

Week 18 planning Week commencing 20th July

Week 17. Week commencing 13th July

Welcome at the gate.

This video explains how Mrs Harris and Miss Storey will welcome the children at the gate and bring them to our classroom. It also explains how families shouuld keep 2 metres apart while waiting.

Welcome back to our classroom!

This is a video showing what our class looks like. It explains that, when the children come to school, they will be in a bubble with a few (up to 4) of their friends and they will play with those children all day.
We are really looking forward to seeing everybody!

Hi FH! Here is the planning for this week. We are doing lots of art activities because it is Sherwood Art Week. Please send us photos of your creations so we can put them on the website.

Hello FH!

We are really looking forward to seeing you all at our zoom gathering on Tuesday. It will be so nice to see your faces! You don't need to say anything or do anything, but if you want to bring anything to show us all you can, it might be a toy, or something that you have made while you have been at home. 

We can't wait!!



Mrs Harris and Miss Storey


p.s if you haven't had a text with the details, please contact school.




Week 13. Week commencing 15th June

Week 12 planning is below - keep scrolling!!

National Best Friends Day

Monday 8th June


In our class we are all best friends! I thought that it would be really nice if we could all write a message to each other.  You might want to tell your friends what games you are looking forward to playing with them when you return to school, you could tell your friends about a new skill that you have learnt while you have been at home or you might just want to tell your friends how much you are missing them.


Please write your messages and then email them to me ( and I will put them on the website for everyone to see.

This is Mrs Harris' letter to you all

Hi FH! Which book do you think we might be reading this week? below are some clues.

Symmetry activity

Creative Quarter Challenges


Keep an eye on the Creative Quarter page ( ) on our website for weekly art challenges that you can all get involved in, inspiring websites and links. 

Week 10. Week commencing 25th May

Your work. Keep sending in the work everyone, we love to show it off on the website!

Question of the Week

In what ways are children better than adults?

What do you think FH?

Question of the week

Could you have a sport where everyone was on the same side? 

What do you think? Could you make one up? have a go FH.

Here is the latest work you have sent in via e.mail. We are so proud of you! Keep sending us your photos for the website, we love them!

Dear FH,

We hope you are all okay, it has been nice to chat to some of you during phone calls this week. 


Thank you for all the kind messages and photos you are sending in and posting on Seesaw, it is so nice to see all the work and activities you have been getting up to. If you haven't got Seesaw yet please e.mail for a link, it is a great way to share our work and fun. So many of you have been doing the work we are setting which is really encouraging. Keep at it as much as possible, but don't worry if you don't complete everything.


From 4th May we will be using the Letters and Sounds lessons on You Tube as they are very similar to the phonics lessons we have at school. The link is on the planning sheet below. The lessons last about 20 minutes and your child will need a pencil, or pen and paper. They should be able to watch the video unsupported but may need a little encouragement to begin with. Please let us know how they get on. 


Take care everyone!

Mrs Harris and Miss Storey

Week 7, Week Commencing 4th May

Haydn Surname Challenge!

Have a go at this if you have time, or save it for half term!

Phonics lessons starting online week commencing 27th April

I thought this might be useful and you may want to use it alongside the phonics work that we are planning for the children to complete at home.

Question of the week

If pigs are what wolves eat, is the Big Bad Wolf bad? 

What do you think FH? Have a chat to your family about your thoughts!


We are setting up the seesaw app and it is proving useful to share what we are doing at home. I am really enjoying seeing what everybody has been doing and hope you are too!

If you have not yet set it up please contact me by e.mail at for the class QR code. If you have downloaded it and have any questions please also e.mail me. 


Mrs Harris


To set it up for your child

 1. Download the seesaw app for IOS or android, or go to on your computer.

 2. Choose 'I am a student'

 3. Scan the QR code and select your child's name from the list. 

 4. Go to your inbox, there should be a message there. 


Thank you for all your messages, it is lovely to see what you have been up to. Here are some of the photos you have sent in.

Hello everybody,


I hope you are all well and being kind to your family. Thank you to those of you who have sent me photos and messages, it is good to hear that you are doing well. I have found some interesting questions which I thought might give you and your family something to talk about so I will put a 'Question of the Week' onto the website, don't argue about them, but listen to everyone's ideas and opinions carefully, there is no right or wrong answer!


Have you been doing some exercise? I've been doing the Joe Wicks workout on You Tube every day, it is hard but every day I can do a bit more! It would be good to know you are doing it at the same time as me!


I hope you have managed to plant the seeds we sent you, It will be great to see what colour all the flowers are. Even when everything changes and there is no school, the flowers keep on growing and the seasons carry on changing, we are heading into spring now, can you see leaves growing on the trees and flowers beginning to grow in the gardens?  


During the next two weeks we will be setting work for you to do at home so you can keep some routines going, but do remember to spend some special times as a family too!


Mrs Harris

Week 2 planning and phonics sentences. Week commencing 30th March

Question of the week:

Would an elephant make a good pet?

Week 4. Week commencing 13th April

Question of the Week


If you dig up buried treasure is it yours?


What do you think FH? Tell your family your thoughts.

Home Learning Pack

Here is another resource to use for ideas if you want to supplement the class home learning packs.

Home Learning


As the school is now closed, we have prepared a pack of resources for you to use with your child at home. We would suggest that children of this age thrive on some structure and routine in their day. Engage your child with cooking, games, crafts, books and stories, schoolwork and physical activity. It is important that your children stay active and keep talking! Having the same structure every day will really help your child and should help you too if you need to spend time working from home.

Each week we will update our class pages on the school website so you can follow a weekly plan of learning activities. We have also provided you with a home learning folder with a variety of tasks, activities and resources. It is clearly indicated on the home learning plan which resources are needed for each activity. As much as possible, we have tried to plan activities which once you have explained to the children, they should be able to complete independently.


Please find below, the attached planning documents and resources for use with your children during weeks 1 and 2 of school closures.

Each week that the school remains closed, we will add subsequent planning.


Please remember that you can email me by emailing

All emails will be forwarded to me


I would LOVE to hear from the children and find out all about their exciting home learning adventures!


Look after yourselves and stay safe smiley

Letter to Parents

Week 1 planning and phonics sentences

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