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Friday 8th January 2021

Happy Friday Everybody!


Hello Everybody from Ms Paulson

Let's begin our day together! Join in with the daily nursery routine.

Let's find out what we are learning about today!


Find a comfortable place to sit and get ready to share a book together.

Winter - an Information Book

Talking Together

  • How do we know winter is here now? What do you notice?
  • What kinds of weather do we usually get in the winter?
  • How do we keep warm in the wintertime? When we are indoors and when we are outside?
  • Do you have a fire or a heater in your house?
  • What can we eat or drink to help us to keep warm?
  • What would you like to do on a snowy day?
  • Have you seen frost before? What does it look like?
  • What is your favourite season? Spring, summer, autumn or winter? 



I like all of the seasons for different reasons! I love going for a walk on a crisp, frosty day - all wrapped up in my winter warmers! It's lovely to come home to a warm fire and hot chocolate!



Make your own Winter Weather Chart

Make a weather chart and record the weather for a week.

With your grown-up, write the days of the week on a large piece of scrap paper and on each day draw a picture of the weather for that day. How many different types of weather did you have?

Once you have your weather chart, you will be able to use it when we do our What is the Weather Today? song each day! You could make your chart last longer by making weather symbols that you can take off and on so then you can re-use it again and again!

Out and About

An Icy Scavenger Hunt

If you look out of your window today or over the weekend and see a white icy world, wrap up in your warmest clothes and go out with your camera. How many different frosty or icy patterns can you find and take a photo of?



Freeze it! Melt it! 

Make some ice decorations to hang outside in your yard or garden.

What you will need:

  • shallow lids from jars, yoghurt and margarine tubs etc.
  • scissors, wool or thin string
  • bits of greenery from your garden or collected on a walk - evergreen leaves, berries, sticks and twigs (Remember to never put things that you find in your mouth and always wash your hands afterwards.)
  • water


  1. Snip the greenery to fit in the lid and make a pattern.
  2. Fill the lid with water, and put a piece of wool or string in to make a hanger (ends in water, loop hanging out)
  3. If it is forecast to be freezing, leave outside overnight to freeze. If not, put some in the freezer.
  4. Take out of the mould and hang in bushes and trees.
  5.  Watch what happens as the weather warms up. What do you think will happen?


    You could make some with bird food for the birds to peck at. 


Poem of the Day

Let's finish on a poem! This one is all about winter. A poem is a bit like a beautiful rhyme or a song without music!

Winter from A First Book of Nature by Nicola Davies and Mark Hearld

Busy Fingers

Whilst you are at home, keep practising writing your name every day, even if it's just the first few letters that you are learning to write! Keep your fingers busy by drawing, cutting and sticking, making models with blocks, Duplo and play dough. There is a link below for an easy uncooked play dough recipe.

Next week...

We will be continuing our theme of winter weather and we will be thinking about how different animals keep warm in the wintertime. Have a lovely weekend with your family and see you back here on Monday.

Be kind, keep safe and have fun!

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