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Happy Monday Everybody!

Welcome to a brand new week!


What a snowy Monday!

Let's find out what we will be learning about this week!

Today we are going to start by reading a story about a polar bear. What do you know about polar bears? Where do you think they live? What do they look like?

A Polar Bear in the Snow by Mac Barnett and Shawn Harris

Talking Together

I hope you enjoyed that story. Let's think back to what happened.

  • Why could you not see the polar bear on the first page?
  • What part of the polar bear do you see first?
  • I wonder why the polar bear would want to go and see the seals?
  • What do you think the word hunker means in this story?
  • What keeps the polar bear warm in the icy storm?
  • Where does the polar bear want to go? Why?
  • The polar bear is a really good swimmer! I wonder where he goes once he has come out of the water?


Where do you think polar bears live? Do you think it’s where Cuddly Dudley the emperor penguin lives in the Antarctic? Come back tomorrow and we’ll find out!

Watch this beautiful and funny video of a baby polar bear!

Polar bear cub is surprised by a seal - Snow Bears: Preview - BBC One


Have a look at the Letter Sound of the week page to find out what our sound is this week.

Here are some clues...


Get your ears ready for a listening game...

Listening Game 4 - Phase 1 Phonics - Listening and Attention Skills

Busy Fingers

Polar Pictures

I love the illustrations in the Polar Bear story. Can you see how they have been made? It's paper collage just using white paper with different textures - look in your recycling to see what you can find. Details are added with a black pen.



Can you make a snow picture using just white paper? You could twist, curl, tear, fold or scrunch the paper. This activity will give you strong fingers and help to get you ready for holding a pencil with control.



Practising your name

Use your name building set to practise making and writing your name.



Remember to say and sound each letter in the right order. How many letters are in your name?



Colour Theme Your Day.

Our story today was created mainly using the colour white. Each day we are going to have a colour theme where you can go around your house spotting and collecting things that are that colour. Today we will choose white which is the colour of snow. How many different things can you find that are white? Are they all the same shade of white? Take a photo of your collection.




Follow this link below for more ideas from BBC Tiny Happy People.


Ice Cube Colours

Fill an ice cube tray with water mixed with primary coloured paint or food colouring (red, blue, yellow). When frozen, pop out each cube of the same colour into bowls. Add different coloured ice cubes to separate bowls or glasses of water to see what colours they make as they melt and mix together.


Busy Bodies

Let's try some polar bear yoga today!

Joybob The Polar Bear | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Before you go come and sing Mr Sun with Miss Storey and Mrs Wilkinson

See you again tomorrow!
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