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6E 2018/19

CLASS 6E 2018-2019

                                           Summer Term
Year 6 children have had a fantastic opportunity to work with award winning eco-artist Sarah Turner. The children learnt how to make a plastic bottle flower and then place them into a frame which they painted. The stunning art installation was then displayed with 14 other primary schools at Cafe SoBar from 27th May - 12th June. The work was called Urban Garden.




After a really busy two terms and surviving the SATs it was time to go on our adventure to Kingswood. All 60 children from the year came and we had an amazing time. From start to finish it was jam packed with adventure and laughter. Thank you all for coming and making it such a brilliant experience. We took over 1000 photos so have put a selection below to give you a feel for the trip.

Kingswood 2019

Spring Term


During the spring term we have been very very busy indeed! In our PE lessons we learned about tag rugby and learned some World War 2 dance styles

For world book week we designed our own picture books to share with Year 1. They made books to read to us too. On World Book Day we all came dressed as our favourite characters from the best books that we have read.

We had students come along from China to teach us about traditional ink painting and we had a go at painting pandas, it was very cute!

In Literacy we have been studying WW2 and reading 'Letters From The Lighthouse' by Emma Carroll, we wrote diary entries from the viewpoint of a child experiencing evacuation. To get into character we did some drama where we acted out the last moments before we went to our new homes in Devon.


For Science Week we found out about the effects of space on the human body and to understand the anatomy of bones we got hands on had and studied some real life bones.


As you can see we have been very busy and have even more fun coming up in the summer term. See the pictures from the term below and have a look at the fantastic things we have been up to!

VE Day Party


To celebrate SATs being over, we held a VE day party where the children all dressed up a brought in some food that could have been made with rations. It was a fantastic afternoon where we played games, ate lots and lots of food and really let our hair down after working so hard all year!



Christmas Party Day 2018


We had a fantastic day out for our Christmas party day this year. We went to the cinema to watch the film 'Wonder' which was even more enjoyable after reading the book throughout the term. After the cinema we went to the ice arena for some festive skating. Take a look at the amazing photographs that were taken.

Autumn 2


We have had a great start to year 6 and the children have worked incredibly hard and have earned a much needed break. We have lots of exciting things to look forward to in the coming half term. We will be continuing our Goose Fair project in DT and programming crumble boards to make them move and light up in Computing. The children are enjoying reading Wonder and we are planning a trip to the cinema to see this as well as our visit to see The Fantastic Mr Fox as part of Into Film Festival.

We are looking forward to seeing all the great projects the children will produce over the holidays as part of our extreme earth Geography topic. Letters have been sent out informing you about homework club which will begin on the first Tuesday of Autumn 2 between 3.30 and 4.15.

Have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you in the new half term.

Primary Parliament

On Monday 19th November the Year 6 School Council visited the Council House for Primary Parliament. In the morning, during the first session, the children had to consider the following:

  • what jobs might look like in the future
  • what qualifications they might need
  • where they could work
  • earnings
  • what experience they might need
  • how they might do this through school

In the afternoon, the group learned about Ecokits which each school will be presented with in January. The team had to decide how they will inform the rest of school and parents about their use: they then had to do a two minute presentation to councillors and the nine other schools involved.

The children were articulate, interesting and fantastic role models for Haydn.

Young Ambassadors Conference 11th October 2018


On Thursday 11th October 2018 Mrs Evans and 4 of our sports leaders attended a young ambassadors conference run by School Sport Nottingham.  The children took part in workshops looking at Healthy Lifestyles, Personal Best Challenge and Change For Life.  Beth, Finn, Holly and Charlie are looking forward to sharing all the new ideas with the rest of the sports leaders and becoming role models for the rest of the school promoting sport and a healthy lifestyle.





Welcome back to school!




Welcome back to school, we hope you have had a lovely break and the first few weeks at school have been enjoyable. We are so happy with everybody in the year and know that we are going to have a lot of fun as the year goes on.


A brief overview of what we will be studying this term is as follows:


Science - Everything Changes - We are looking at the process of evolution and adaptation, how living things have changed and why.


Geography - Extreme Earth - We are learning about the different types of climate and weather that occurs around the world.


Art/DT/Computing - Fairground Rides - Combining these three subjects we will be designing, making and programming our very own rides to make a 'Haydn Goose Fair'.


PE - Tag Rugby.


When we come back from half term we will begin swimming on Friday mornings so please make sure you have your swimming kits every week.


Homework will be issued on a Wednesday and due in on Thursday. The children all have their own pupil planners to keep a track of the weeks activities, we ask that this is signed each week.


We hope you are enjoying being back and setting a great example as Haydn Year 6 pupils.


The Year 6 Team.














5F Summer Term

This is an exciting term when we learn about Victorians.  In May, children will be experiencing the life of a child in the Workhouse and then in July we are off to the Black Country Living Museum to go back to Victorian Times.  In addition, in April, we have a trip to Nottingham University for a Languages Day. 


The £5 Challenge


This term the children in 5F have been working on an enterprise project.  With their initial investment of £5, the aim is to raise as much money as possible for their chosen charity.  The four companies they have created will be selling their produce after school on Thursday 19th July at 3.30pm on the KS2 playground. 

Languages Day

Sherwood Forest

Ice Skating


During the spring term year 5 will be skating on a Monday afternoon. After 3 sessions the improvements we have made have been amazing, everyone is now going around on their own and some of us are even starting to go backwards! Check back later in the term to see our progress then.

Year 5 Class Assembly 9th November 2017


5WH and 5F put on a great show to demonstrate how much they have already learnt in year 5! The theme was Ancient Greece and included acting, singing and fact finding! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Ancient Greece Assembly

CLASS 5F 2017-2018


Welcome to Year 5. The teachers you will be working with this year are Ms, Francis, Mrs Harrison and Miss Worrall. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Cousins and Mrs French. We also have Mr Grimshaw, who is a student teacher, working with us this year.


This term we will be studying Ancient Greece. In science we will be looking at Earth and Space.


Our swimming lessons start on Friday 8th September. Please ensure that children remember their swimming kits and any earring have been removed at home.


Homework is given out each Friday and expected to be completed and back in school by the following Wednesday. Spelling tests are every Wednesday.


PE is every Tuesday, so please ensure kits are in school.


Parents evenings are on 3rd and 4th October.


YEAR 4 2016-2017

22.03.17 - If you would like to have a go at practising the song that we have been learning in Spanish, follow this link -

Please remember to get your adult's permission first.

09.03.17 - We had an amazing time at Castleton this week! The children were absolutely brilliant! They asked lots of interesting questions, played beautifully together and represented Haydn so well. We were all so proud of them. Look at some of the fun we had!


06.03.17 - Today, we enjoyed some Kodu training with Mrs Simner. She introduced us to the coding program and showed us how to use lots of its features. If you would like to use the program at home to practise your coding, it can be found here for free!

Alice in Wonderland


Well, what a busy time we have been having in 4M! All of the children in Year 4 have worked tirelessly to create, produce and perform our spectacular version of Alice in Wonderland. The show was a real treat and a joy to watch every time. Below are some of our pictures from rehearsals. Enjoy!

As well as working hard in class all the children have also been working hard at home.

These are the Egyptian Farms they designed to go with our History topic.

We have also been having fun in science, experimenting with sound.

We've had 1 9 9 6 1 7 Visitors
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