Take this opportunity to compare the different peel on the fruits and talk about their different seeds. Talk about the size of the different fruits and feel how heavy they are in comparison to each other.
Happy Wednesday!
Talking Together
Can you remember...
Have a think...
Story Mark Making
You could draw a picture of your favourite part of the story. Or with a little help from your grown up, you could make a story map of Handa's journey to Akeyo's village. You could draw the pictures together. You'll need a large piece of paper or you could open out a cardboard box you have in your recycling. Think about where the story begins when Handa is in her village filling her basket with the 7 different fruits...
Here are a couple of examples of story maps to give you some ideas.
Making Fruit Salad
I love fruit, do you? There are lots of different fruits - some grow in this country where we live and others need warmer weather to grow, like the fruits in Handa's Surprise. Can you remember the 7 different fruits from the story?
You could make a fruit salad using any fruit that you may have in your house. You'll need to ask your grown up to help you. Make sure you wash your hands before you begin.
Some fruits are easy to cut or peel by yourself like bananas and tangerines. You can wash grapes and pluck them from the bunch. Other fruits your grown up would need to help you prepare. They may need to peel them with a sharp knife and then you can chop them into pieces, like pineapples and apples. Helping to prepare the fruits for the fruit salad is really good for making your fingers strong!
Take this opportunity to compare the different peel on the fruits and talk about their different seeds. Talk about the size of the different fruits and feel how heavy they are in comparison to each other.
Fruit is also very healthy and makes the perfect pudding or snack! Enjoy!
Let's talk about our feelings
Handa had a big surprise when she saw her friend, Akeyo. I like surprises, they are usually something nice! Sometimes a surprise can make you jump too. Can you think of a time when you have been surprised?