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Welcome to Summer Term 1!

Welcome back to our busy summer term! As you know, our term has already begun with the topic ‘I am super’. We have celebrated our differences, talked about our families and have shared what makes us super, special and unique. This term, we will be spending lots of time outside exploring seasonal changes in the garden. We will learn about life cycles as we read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and will watch our very own class caterpillars change into butterflies. Our topic will progress throughout the term to look at our local community and contrasting environments such as the countryside and the seaside. Our traditional tale this term is ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and we have lots of exciting activities planned for our coronation celebrations in May. Please continue to check our class Dojo pages daily for photographs our wonderful learning and creations and our class pages on the school website for information about our phonics and puzzle lessons.  

Trips and Experiences  
We will be learning about Ramadan and Eid over the next few weeks and will be celebrating Eid on Friday 28th April as part of our whole school celebrations. We invite any of our Muslim children to come to school wearing their Eid celebration clothes and share with us how they have celebrated. We will enjoy eating some delicious celebratory food together. We ask for a 50p donation from each child to help fund our feast. 
We are so excited to be going on a trip to Manor farm on 7th June to consolidate our Spring learning and see the countryside.  
In Summer term 2, we will be inviting F2 families to join us in an end of year picnic celebration! We will give you more details about this very soon.

FD 2022-2023



Welcome to our class page.

This is where you can find information about the learning activities and 'busy jobs' we are up to each week. You will find our weekly story, songs, phonics learning and maths focus. Please check back regularly! We will send our most up-to-date information, photographs and event reminders on our Class Dojo app. 

Please see a photograph of our weekly timetable below. In class, we use the same images in the form of a physical visual timetable throughout the day to remind children of the structure of each day and ensure that they know what will happen 'now' and 'next'. We find that the children thrive from a well-established daily routine.



Miss Deighton, Mrs Thraves and Mrs Parkes x

Class Letters 2022-2023

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