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Haydn Out Of School Care Association


HOSCA is an independent organisation with its own URN (Unique Reference Number) based within the Haydn School grounds. It was established in 1994 to provide good quality out-of-school childcare, primarily for children attending Haydn School. 


Opening Times


Breakfast Club: 7:30am to 9:00am

After School Club (Term Time): 3:30pm to 6:00pm

Holiday Club (including Inset Days): 7:30am to 6:00pm


Please ensure your child is collected by the end of the session. You will be charded £5.00 every 5 minutes for late collection.




Before school  £8.50     After School   £11.55

Holiday Club £25.00 per full day

£15.00 per half day (7.30am - 12.30pm / 1.00pm - 6.00pm)


Fees are payable in advance please.


Booking Sessions:


We operate a parent based online registration and booking system. To register and log in please use the following link:




Haydn Road After School Club (HOSCA)

URN: 254532.

Address: Haydn Primary School, Haydn Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 2JU. 

Telephone: 0115 9857414

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