4W 2021-2022
Class Letters 2022-2023
Year 4 - End of Year
The end of the year is fast approaching and what a great year it's been! We kicked off with an unexpected visit to the theatre to watch School of Rock which was amazing, we went on our trip to the Derby Museum to learn more about ancient Egypt, we enjoyed the return of our swimming lessons, made some peasant bread, created fabulous flower arrangements, had the best time at our residential in Castleton, improved our tennis skills at the Nottingham Open, began to learn to play string instruments and have really thrown ourselves into creating breathtaking capes for Arts Week! We also learnt a bit of maths and literacy along the way.
We have enjoyed teaching your children this year and and are sure that they are ready for their next lot of adventures in Year 5.
Summer Term 2022 - 2nd Half Term
Welcome back to the last half term of Year 4! We have a very busy half-term coming up including our Strings Concert, Sports Day and Arts Week.
We've come into the half-term as we mean to go on and enjoyed a great day at the Nottingham Open Tennis Tournament, all the children were impeccably behaved and it was so interesting to watch an actual tennis match in progress. The activities in the afternoon were very fun and all the children participated eagerly and with great sportsmanship.
Summer Term 2022 - 1st Half Term
What a wonderful start to our summer term we are having and what great weather we are enjoying at the moment!
Our trip to Castleton was a huge success, we had an excitable but relatively calm journey on our coach to the peak district and arrived on time in glorious sunshine. We walked a LOT but the scenery was breathtaking and it was lovely to see a lot of lambs with their mums in the fields.
Year 4 will be visiting the Nottingham Tennis Centre after half term which will be really fun as we have been doing a lot of tennis in school.
Have a fantastic half term break and we look forward to welcoming you back for the final part of the year.
Spring Term 2022
What a busy term this has been in year 4 including sports events, flower arranging, amazing dragon eye art, it's astounding we managed to fit any other academic work in! We were also visited by the 'Flu Bug' in response to the fantastic posters we made about being vaccinated.
World book day was a great success, the children's costumes were wonderful and we really enjoyed learning a new story all about 'The Huey's'.
Making peasant bread was an experience, everyone got their hands dirty mixing and moulding the dough and learning to fry it on a hot plate. It would've tasted lovely with the butter we churned earlier in the term.
We wish you all a fun filled and snow free Easter break. We are looking forward to seeing you in the Summer Term when we will begin our Castleton trip countdown.
Autumn Term 2
During the second half of our Autumn Term we have enjoyed our swimming sessions, it has been wonderful to see what strong swimmers we have in Year 4!
Our impromptu trip to watch School of Rock at the Royal Centre was such a treat, the show was fantastic and all the children had a great time, there was lots of singing and dancing from us!
We were all very excited to be able to go on our first trip out of school for some time, and what an interesting trip it was. The children explored all the exhibits at the Derby Museum, the natural history section was particularly enjoyable, and seeing real Egyptian mummies was an amazing experience for us all!
Have a wonderful break over the Christmas holidays and we look forward to welcoming you back in the new year for the start of our Spring Term.
Winter Wonderland - December 2021
Autumn Term 2021
We have settled in really well to Year 4. What a positive, happy start to the year!
So far, we have enjoyed;
This half term, we are looking forward to going swimming in our classes, visiting The Derby Museum for fun and learning about Pharoahs, mummification and making Shabtis.
(We have the feeling it will be exciting just to go out of school on a coach together again with our packed lunches!)
Looking further into the future, we have booked our residential trip to Castleton Youth Hostel for May 2022. A parents' meeting will go ahead early in the New Year with all details.
CLASS LETTERS - 4W - 2021-2022
Lockdown 3.0 - Home Learning Planning
We will upload the weekly plan to our class page and under the Files tab on the Year 3 Home Learning group on Teams.
2M 2019 - 2020
We would just like to say a HUGE thank you to all the children and grown-ups for being so wonderful. You are all doing a great job and working so hard at home. Miss Williamson and I are missing you all very much. We have loved speaking to you on the phone and receiving photos of you having lots of fun with your families and learning at home. Please keep in touch, look after yourselves and we can’t wait to see you all again soon.
Miss McLeod and Miss Williamson
Black Lives Matter
Here are links to some beautiful fictional and non- fiction children’s books that celebrate the achievements of black women. Click the star to listen to me read a little something about a special lady called
'Josephine Baker' who made history.
Dream Big, Little One - Children's Book Read Aloud:
Ada Twist Scientist - Children's Books Read Aloud - by Andrea Beaty - Let's Read Stories
Tessa Sanderson (Little Leaders) | Read by Vashti Harrison | Time for Stories
Little People, Big Dreams: Maya Angelou
Daily Phonics: 'Letter and Sounds' phonics sessions at 10:30am.
Hello 2M
Thank you so much for sending in all your wonderful photos and videos. We are missing you all very much. We have been so impressed with how much creative learning you have been doing at home and have loved reading your emails and speaking to some of you on the phone. Please keep sending in videos and photos as we love seeing what you‘ve been up to.
Have a wonderful Easter!
Miss McLeod & Miss Williamson
World Autism Awareness Week!
This year’s World Autism Awareness week was going to be celebrated in school from the 30th March- 5th April. We are still going to celebrate it, so our amazing teachers Mrs Crawford, Mrs Harris and Mr Grimshaw have read some lovely stories which celebrate our similarities and differences.
Head to our SEND page to find the videos and lots of great home learning activities.
Click the 'key information’ link above then click ‘SEND’ to find the resources.
Miss McLeod
Welcome to 2M!
We have had a fabulous start to this academic year. We have been learning lots of facts about nocturnal animals and their habitats in our topic ‘Into the Woods’. We had a wonderful trip exploring the Blackwoods, we created our own hedgehogs using leaves and created bark rubbing pictures. We loved our mini beast hunt and worked together to unearth different insects in their micro-habitats.
Under the Sea
To celebrate Sustainability week, Year 2 were given the opportunity to watch the 3D film ‘Under the Sea’ at the Cineworld cinema. The film was about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the range of marine life that live there. We really enjoyed the 3D experience especially watching jellyfish, sharks and turtles jump out of the screen. We also learnt about how climate change is effecting marine life in our oceans.
Great Fire of London!
In Autumn 1 we studied ‘The Great Fire of London’. The children were really inspired by the topic and enjoyed learning about life in Tudor London in 1666. We interviewed Samuel Pepys and designed our own Tudor style houses. To finish off the topic we recreated the Great Fire and burnt our Tudor houses. Whilst the houses burned we listened to a story of the horrific event and chanted London's Burning!
We have been busy, busy this year so far!
Welcome to FW
We hope you are all looking forward to an exciting year in F2. During the first half term we will be settling into our classroom, getting to know our teachers, making lots of new friends and learning about the daily routine.
Our First Week
What an amazing first week at school. We are so proud of how everyone has settled in. We have been exploring the classroom environment and we have all started to make lots of new friends.We have taken part in a variety of activities linked to our book of the week 'We're going on a Bear Hunt'.
Spring Term
Summer Term
April 2017
This month our topic has been Spring. We have been learning about the changes that happen to our environment during this season. We went on a Spring walk around the school grounds and we have produced lots of creative work, which is displayed beautifully in our classroom.
Spring Term
Meet our Classroom Superheroes
We have 5 special Superheroes in our classroom who help us display the correct behaviour at school. Below the children have introduced each of them and their special power.
We want to continue developing the children's passion for reading. Each week we would like a parent/carer to come in and read a story to the children (you can choose which one!). The children will not be told which grown up is coming each week. We would like to start this soon so please let us know if you would be interested.
First Few Weeks of the Spring Term
Below are a few photos of some of the activities that we have been doing so far this term. The children have settled back into school really well and they are very enthusiastic about learning.
The children have been working hard as a class to try and reach number 75 on their treat square. We are currently on number 70 so very soon they will be receiving their next treat. I wonder what it will be!
During phonics the children are learning about digraphs, they are really enjoying this new challenge. It is very amusing that every time the children see a word they have to try and spot a digraph! The word of this half term so far has been definitely digraph!
Autumn Term
Autumn Term 2
This half term we are learning about Autumn by looking at the changing environment and learning about hibernation. We have already been using natural resources in our art work and also comparing object sizes as part of our maths work. Our topic book is 'We're going on a leaf hunt' and one of our literacy activities will be creating a story map.
Later in the term, we will be learning about the Christmas Story and practising for our small end of the year concert.
Autumn Term 1
We started school for the first time and were busy learning about the daily routines, making new friends and looking after our classrooms. We also met Pop and Puzzle and have started the processes of learning to read, write and explore numbers.