Year 6 Residential
The year 6s had an absolutely brilliant time on our end of year trip. It was well worth the wait and our children will have come back with memories that will last a life time. From the aquapark to the safari park, they were amazing. We were blown away with their behaviour and the way they got stuck into everything. Thanks for being so amazing and we really hope you loved every minute!
Mr Grimshaw, Miss Harley, Miss Hung, Mrs Owens, Miss Smith & Miss Williamson
Summer Term
We made it!
A massive congratulations to all of year 6, they have worked so hard and made it through to the end of SATs week. We thought that after all of their hard work they deserved a trip to the park and then to get their leavers hoodies. We had a brilliant time at the park and it was so nice to see the children blow off some steam and enjoy themselves running around and playing games. We really are so proud of each and every one of them and cannot believe we are nearly at the last half term of primary school! Enjoy a break and congratulations Year 6!
Mr Grimshaw, Miss Harley, Miss Hung & Mrs Owens
Welcome to Year 6 !
Year 6 have had a really positive start to the term and have settled into annexe life exceptionally well. We have started our WWII topic and the children have had their first basketball session with Mr Ward. On Friday 9th September, we went to Colwick Park where we participated in a variety of outdoor adventures including kayaking, orienteering and a 'High Ropes' obstacle course. Fun was most certainly had by all. What a great start to the year!
Chinese New Year
We were lucky enough to have some teachers from The University of Nottingham Confucius Institute come in to school and talk to us about traditions around Chinese New Year. We enjoyed a calligraphy session based on the year of the rabbit.
Class Letters 2022-2023
Year 6 trip to the Holocaust Centre
The year 6s represented Haydn so well on our trip to the Holocaust Centre. It was extremely informative and gave us all a lot to think about. We followed the journey of a young Jewish boy called Leo to understand how it would have felt to be Jewish in Germany during WW2. The visit was really important and the children learnt a lot from it.
The Great Haydn Bake Off 2022!
Year 6 did a spectacular job for our first ever bake off. We had so many amazing creations, we all left very very full at the end of the day. There was a wide variety of bakes created, we were so impressed with the creativity, design and taste of all the bakes! Well done year 6!
Colwick Park Trip September 2022
Year 6 had a fantastic trip to Colwick Park, we took part in lots of exciting activities that all focussed on team-building and facing our fears. The weather was on our side and we even got a chance to take a dip in the lake! The children behaved brilliantly and worked so well together.
5HB 2021- 2022
CLASS LETTERS - 5HB - 2021-2022
Welcome to year 5!
We are so happy to have all of the Year 5 children back in school. They have already settled in so well to the new year and the new term. We are continuing to be cautious with our routines and the children are being brilliant at getting stuck in! They are working hard and are setting a fantastic example around the school. They have adapted so well to the new way of working and are being sensible and safe at school.
We are really excited to get on with a great year with so much to look forward to. Topics will include: forests, space, Ancient Greece, Shakespeare, Christianity, Wild thing art sculptures, night light DT projects, digital music, coding and so much more. We will continue to keep you up to date and for the most recent information please check your child's Microsoft Teams page where we post homework and information about what has been going on in school.
4W 2020-2021
Happy New Year!
Tuesday 5th January
The story so far . . .
We can't believe three and a half weeks have gone by so quickly!
The children have all settled in amazingly well. We know this has been more tricky this year as we weren't able to have transition days so all credit to them for a great start.
Thank you for the support in reading at home, homework and spellings. These home-school links are so important in supporting your child's education. Please feel free to contact us via e mail, phone, notes in homework books or reading diaries if you have any questions.
We are looking forward to building on the positive start Team Year 4 have already made.
3D 2019 - 2020
Photographs, films and work from Year 3 2019-2020
xīn nián kuài lè! 新年快乐
We have had a lot of fun learning all about the different traditions celebrated during Chinese New Year. We combined two traiditons by making our very own Hong Baos with fortunes inside. These are lucky red envelopes which are given to family members at Chinese New Year to bring good luck for the year. They normally contain money!
Please enjoy the photos of us with our lucky envelopes.
Wonderful World Book Day
We have had the best day celebrating world book day! We started the day by making our own bookmarks to use in the books we are enjoying at the moment. We then enjoyed celebrating our costumes. We even had Miss Thieme from year 1 come in and read a story to us. We love listening to stories. Enjoy looking at our creative costumes!
A Special Haydn Mile Park Run!
In support of Sport Relief, we took part in Haydn's very first park run! We had to run two laps of the school as fast as we could, whilst following the park run signs made by 3C. We had so much fun and running together made it so much easier! We spoke about the importance of supporting charities that help children less fortunate than ourselves. Please enjoy our photos below.
Welcome to 2C's Home Page!
Our class adults are Mrs Crawford, Mr England and Miss Storer. Miss Storer is learning to be a teacher in our class. What a treat!
On the 8th November, 2C went on a walk to Blackwoods. This scout hut is just on Hucknall Road and a lovely resource to have so close to home. We did some bark rubbing, some hedgehog leaf collages, completed a mini-beast hunt and drank hot chocolate! Have a look at the masterpieces we made!
We have had a very busy Autumn half term. We have enjoyed some beautiful books together, participated in some role play and discovered an elephant in our school garden! Take a look at just a selection of our busy jobs.