It's Friday!
Emperor penguins are amazing! Even though that book was a story it was full of so much information! I feel like I know lots more about penguins now - do you? Let's do a quiz to find out! Don't worry if you don't remember some things as you can listen to the story again to help you!
I wonder whether other animals live in the Antarctic? Where do polar bears live? Maybe next week we can find out more about different animals in cold lands.
Here are some jobs for the weekend!
Washing the dishes is great fun!
Fill a washing up bowl with water and provide children with different things to wash. Different types of containers will provide opportunities to explore filling and pouring. Talk together about what they are doing encouraging them to use the words ‘full’ and ‘empty’. You can extend the activity with suggestions and questions such as, “I wonder which container holds the most/least…” “How do you know?” “How can we find out?”
Sorting the clean laundry is such a helpful job!
You could help your grown-up to sort socks into pairs, making sure that they match. You could then sort them into different piles according to who they belong to. I wonder who has the most pairs of socks to put away?
Sorting and tidying the toys away
This is a job to do every day! It's a really good habit to tidy away your toys when you have finished playing with them and putting them back where they belong. This will help you too when you want to play with things again as you will know where they are and pieces of games won't be missing!
Busy Fingers
Make your own penguin
Busy Bodies
Let's go to the Antarctic to do a magical penguin dance!
Keeping in Touch
Over the weekend why not make some time to keep in touch with family and friends. Have a look at the ideas on the Tiny Happy People website for child-friendly ways to use technology to catch up with the special people in your lives that you can't meet up with in person at the moment.