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6E 2019/20

Returning to school powerpoint



As it is half term this week, we have another project for you to complete over the week.


Positive Pictures
You may not be getting out and about as much as normal so why not use this opportunity to stop, take stock and appreciate the small things.  If you have access to a phone/camera why not create a photo diary.  If not draw a picture a day to capture the highlights.  Photograph things in your day that have brought you joy no matter how small. That way, if you’re having a moment of boredom or feeling blue, you can look at the pictures and reflect on the things that make you happy.  Have a look at the document below for some tips for taking the best photos.  We can't wait to see your photo diaries. 


VE Day Celebrations - we have loved seeing all the amazing things you did to celebrate VE Day

Creative Quarter Challenges


Keep an eye on the Creative Quarter page ( ) on our website for weekly art challenges that you can all get involved in, inspiring websites and links.    

This week's challenge is to create your own transient art.


Year 6,

This week would have been SATs week.  This week's work is below as well as a fun SATs test!  We hope you are all well; you are all doing a brilliant job with your home learning and we are very proud of you.  We hope to see  you all soon.


The Year 6 Team

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you are well. It has been brilliant to speak with you or hear from you and the children this week and during the time we have been off school. We just want to say you are doing a brilliant job of supporting your child/ children and we can't tell you how much we appreciate that support. We understand how difficult it is adjusting at this unprecedented time and how hard it is if you are now trying to work as well, whether it be at home, or you are a key worker or have several children. Please ask the children to do what they can, particularly the maths and literacy and encourage lots of reading. As long as you are well, staying safe and doing some exercise that is the most important thing. If there is anything we can do to further support you, please do not hesitate to contact school and one of our year 6 team will endeavour to help.

Take care,

Mrs Evans, Miss Harley, Miss Chambers, Ms Chadwick and Miss Wilkinson

Year 6 team

Week beginning 4/5/20 - Here is your timetable and activities for this week.

Seesaw Update


In order for you to see what the other children in our class have been up to as well as sharing your own work and photos, you will need to login to seesaw differently. Instead of entering your unique code, you will need to scan the QR code that your parents will be receiving by email shortly and then select your name. If you struggle with this or your parents haven’t received an email, please contact me and I will help you get access to the page.


I can’t wait to hear from you all,


Mrs Evans

Stay Safe from #TEAMHAYDN

We have a message to send home to all of you, we miss you so much and hope you are all staying safe!

The Big Issue Spring Cover Competition

Get creative and be a cover star! 

The Big Issue is a magazine that helps many people to find places to live. Their work is even more important in these times. 

They need your help to create a fantastic front cover for their Big Spring issue based on the theme of HEROES. 

Your design could be based around the NHS, any keyworkers, or people you know locally, nationally or globally who are helping or inspiring you and others. 

Please complete it on A4 only (210mm wide x 297mm high), send us a good quality scan or photograph by e mail. 

You can send it direct if you wish to (marked Spring Cover Competition) but please send us a copy too

The closing date is: May 5th 

Week beginning 27/4/20 - here is your timetable and activities for this week

Haydn Surname Challenge!

Letters from the Lighthouse

This is the link to a book time held by Emma Carroll about Letters from the Lighthouse this afternoon.  Have a watch!



More fantastic work from 6E

Please keep sending in your work either via email or using seesaw as you are all doing some incredible things.

Rio has been practising his guitar and it sounds amazing!

Still image for this video

Week beginning 20/4/20


We hope you all had a good Easter and ate lots of chocolate.  We are missing you all lots and hope to be able to see you back in school soon.  



Easter Fun


I have loved receiving your pictures either via email or seesaw showing me what you have been up to.  Please keep sending them through.

Amanveer has been busy writing and drawing

Broch has been very creative as part of the make do and mend project and also enjoying some Easter crafts.





Logan interviewed his Grandad to find out about his experiences of rationing during World War II

Please try to access this site and leave comment, note or picture to show me you have been on. If you struggle, email me and I will help you get on.
See-saw is an online platform where I can set activities and children can respond. It is also a way to share what has been happening at home and they will be able to see what other children have been doing. I have set up a class page, to access it either go to or download the seesaw app on iOS or Android, I will be issuing you all with login details either by email or when we speak to you on the phone.  If you would like your login details please email me

 Under the activities tab there is a sample activity set up and you can also post pictures and notes about what you have been doing. Please go on and have a try, I can't wait to hear from you all!

Mrs Evans smiley







Letters from the Lighthouse


Subscribe to the Haydn Primary School Youtube page to see Mrs Evans and Miss Harley reading the rest of Letters from the Lighthouse, as well as other staff from Haydn reading their favourite stories.




Weeks beginning 6th and 13th April


 As it is the ‘Easter holidays’, we are going to give you a mini project and some craft activities to try instead of a structured daily routine. If however, you would like to do more over the next two weeks, please ensure that all of the previous work that has been set is completed and you can continue to access the websites suggested previously.


The final section of our WWII topic is that of rationing. In week one and two of your home learning pack, your task was to make something useful out of something you have at home. We would love to see what you have created – if you have any pictures please email them to or to your class teacher directly and we will see if we can get them on to the website.

Weekly Sporting Challenge

Make sure you visit the sportshall pages for details of the PE@Home Sporting Superstars Go for Gold Challenge.  Each week we will be uploading a series of challenges to the Sportshall section of our website.

The Sporting Superstars Go For Gold Challenge will invite you to have a go at the weekly challenge, video yourself having a go then upload your effort onto twitter, tag your tweet with the weekly hashtag.

When you have completed 2 weekly challenges you will be awarded a BRONZE WRISTBAND

When you have completed 5 weekly challenges you will be awarded a SILVER WRISTBAND

When you have completed 8 weekly challenges you will be awarded a GOLD WRISTBAND

World Autism Awareness Week!


This year’s World Autism Awareness week was going to be celebrated in school from the 30th March- 5th April. We are still going to celebrate it, so our amazing teachers Mrs Crawford, Mrs Harris and Mr Grimshaw have read some lovely stories which celebrate our similarities and differences.


Head to our SEND page to find the videos and lots of great home learning activities. 

Click the 'key information’ link above then click ‘SEND’ to find the resources.


Miss McLeod

Home Learning Pack

Here is another resource to use for ideas if you want to supplement the class home learning packs.



Hello 6E, I hope you are all well and managing to enjoy the sunshine and complete some of the tasks set for you. We have put together a timetable for week 2 which is attached along with some more ideas for keeping active.


Don't forget to email any pictures of work you are doing to





As the school is to be closed for the foreseeable future, we have prepared a Learning Pack for you to use with your child at home. We would suggest that children thrive on some structure and routine in their day and we have created a daily plan for Literacy, Maths, Topic and Well-being that you can build into your day. Having some structure to their day, will really help your child and should help you too if you need to spend time working from home. It is vitally important that your children stay active and keep learning.  We will upload new work weekly and all documents will be accessible from this page.



Please note the arithmetic practice on Mathsframe is the game further down the page, which doesn't need a log in and is free for all to access smiley

Sports Relief 2020 - Haydn does Parkrun

On Monday 16th March, and each year group ran their very own ‘Parkrun’. Each child was timed and fastest boy and girl in each year group were rewarded with a medal. Well done Jesse and Alea!

Christmas Celebrations - 17th December 2019

Year 6 celebrated the end of the first term by visiting Broadway Cinema to watch ‘Wonder’ followed by a festive skating session at the Ice Arena.



Sustainability Week - 11th November 2019

During sustainability week, the children researched the impacts of our overuse of single use plastics.  They then wrote persuasive letters to Mrs Mason suggesting ways in which Haydn could cut down.  Our class assembly on 6th December followed the sustainability theme.  We sang songs and had ‘Question Time’ style debate with guest appearances from Greta Thunberg, Boris Johnson and Donald Trump.

                              Welcome to 6E 2019 - 20


  Welcome back to school, we hope you have had a wonderful summer and the first few days at school have been enjoyable. We are so happy with everybody in the year and know that we are going to have a lot of


CLASS 5P 2018-2019


Welcome to Year 5! The teachers you will be working with this year are Mrs Powell, Mrs Harrison and Miss Francis. Our teaching assistants are Miss Williamson and Miss Wilkinson.


Homework is given out each Friday and expected to be completed and back in school by the following Wednesday. Spelling tests are every Thursday.


PE is every Wednesday, so please ensure kits are in school.



Summer Term


This term the children will be learning all about life in the Victorian times and a class trip to the Workhouse in Southwell will take place towards the end of the first half term.


In science, our main focus will be properties and changes to materials where the children will have opportunities to plan and carry out experiments.


For some of the year group, there is the opportunity for extra swimming lessons so please ensure swimming kits are in school every Tuesday. The children who do not go swimming will participate in a dance session instead.


Languages Trip to The University of Nottingham, April 2019





Spring Term


For our main geography topic this term we will be learning all about Forests. In science we will be studying the life cycles of animals and plants, including plant reproduction.


For the first half term we will be going ice skating every Monday afternoon for 6 consecutive weeks; please don't forget a change of warm clothes!


During the second half of the term the children will have plenty of time to learn all about Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet with productions taking place during the last week of term.


Romeo and Juliet Production, April 2019















Autumn Term


This term we will be studying Ancient Greece. In science we will be looking at Earth & Space and Forces.


Our swimming lessons start on Friday 14th September and finish on Friday 9th November. Please ensure that children remember their swimming kits and any earrings have been removed at home.


Parents evenings are on 9th and 10th October.


On Friday 23rd November, we will be  going to Broadway Cinema to watch "Steamboat Bill Junior". Weather permitting, we will also be investigating classical Greek architecture in the city centre.


Ancient Greek Pottery Making







  Searching for Ancient Greek-inspired architecture in Nottingham City Centre
























CLASS 4A 2017-2018

Year 4 Amazing Egyptians Assembly






YEAR 3 2016-2017 




 Newstead Abbey


We had the most amazing time camping at Newstead Abbey. We had so much fun building boats for our boat race, pond dipping, roasting some delicious marshmallows and listening to stories around the campfire!

CBBC Book Club!



We have been very excited this week as we have featured on the CBBC Book Club. 3M wrote some fabulous letters to Katie at the CBBC Book Club to tell her all about their favourite books. They also sent in some awesome illustrations. Follow the link below to watch us on the show! 


Nottingham In Bloom!


3M have been super creative for the Nottingham in Bloom photography competition and have taken some wonderful photographs of plants in the school gardens.


Take a look!

A Journey Through China!


Take a look at our beautiful Chinese inspired watercolour paintings and personification poems.

Personifcation Poetry

Still image for this video

Lights, Camera Action!


This term we have been learning all about black and white films. We have been super busy creating, acting, directing, filming and editing our own black and white movies.

Check them out!

The Demanding Baby!

Still image for this video

The Budding Romance!

Still image for this video

The Great Orchestra Experiment- 22.3.2017


We had lots of fun playing our instruments at The Great Orchestra Experiment at the Albert Hall. Take a look!  

Roman Day- 8.12.16


We had a fantastic day celebrating the Roman festival of Vulcanalia. This festival celebrates the Roman God Vulcan, the god of Fire and Volcanoes . The children all looked fabulous dressed in their splendid togas. We had a busy day creating mosaics, solving Roman numeral problems, writing poetry and taking part in an

archaeological dig of Pompeii.

Finally we finished the day with a fabulous Roman feast!

International Day- 29.11.16


Bonjour! During international day we studied the country France. We had a special visit from Mrs Barrett who taught us how to count to 10 and how to say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ in French. We also learnt the fabulous song Léon le caméléon. It was great fun! We even designed our own scarves for our Parisian inspired fashion show and baked delicious croissants!

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