Happy Tuesday!
Welcome to another new day!
Here's Miss Storey for the daily routine.
What are we thinking about today?
Today we are having a kindness day and will be thinking about what it means to be kind. It’s the small acts of kindness that brighten our daily lives! Read this story by Alison Green - it’s beautiful and the pictures are by 38 different illustrators!
Talking Together
What a beautiful story! There are so many ideas about how we can be kind to each other!
Here's a very kind message from Ben from the Cbeebies House followed by a lovely story called
One World Together by Catherine and Laurence Anholt.
I really liked the idea of the kindness jar! Maybe you could make a kindness jar and every time you do something kind today you could put a marble (or something else if you don't have any, like pasta or beans) in your jar. Count how many you have in your jar at the end of the day before you go to bed and let us know! We know you are all such kind children in nursery!
Busy Fingers
Making Soda Bread
Let's use our busy fingers to do something kind for our families. Why don't you have a go at making soda bread - it's really easy and you can then share it for lunch or for tea. There's a recipe and video below that you can follow. It's really good for your fingers to be kneading and shaping dough.
Practising Your Name
Carrying on from yesterday, practise making your name with the card letters and then practise writing your name in lots of different ways! Here are some ideas using fingers in shaving foam and flour, sticks in mud and glue with small parts such as beads, sequins or pasta.
Busy Bodies
Move Like an Animal!
You’ll need some open space, but this is a great way to get children using new muscles.
Here are some ideas: