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Letter Sound of the Week

Week Beginning 23rd November 2020

Our letter sound this week is


Let's go on a sound hunt!

Go on a hunt around you house for different things beginning with the i sound. It's tricky! The letter i sometimes makes a different sound like in ice. How many can you find? Practise listening to and saying the i  sound in each word - i,i ink!

Here's a video from Geraldine the Giraffe. She's looking for things beginning with i too. She might give you some more ideas!

Geraldine the Giraffe learns the /i/ sound

Week Beginning 16th November 2020

Our letter sound this week is





Let's go on a sound hunt!

Go on a hunt around you house for different things beginning with the n sound. How many can you find? Practise listening to and saying the n sound in each word - n,n nose!

Here's a video from Geraldine the Giraffe. She's looking for things beginning with n too. She might give you some more ideas!

Geraldine the Giraffe learns /n/ sound

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