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Maths Focus of the Week

Week commencing 06.06.22


This week, we are revisiting finding and creating halves. We will sort half and whole objects and will use manipulatives and our maths knowledge to find half of an amount.

Which of these pictures below show a half and which show a whole

Week commencing 08.05.22

Terrific Teens Numbers! 

This week, we have worked hard to read and build teens numbers using tens frames and Numicons to help represent ten and ones. We have practised saying the numbers in order, reading them and writing them. Please see the photos below as an example of the types of manipulatives we have been using. You can find photos of us building teens numbers on our class home page. 

Week commencing 19.04.22

Super subtraction

This week, we have been continuing to develop our subtraction skills. We have been exploring different strategies to use such as our fingers, using objects to take away, drawing and crossing out dots or even using our knowledge of addition facts.


There are 6 evil peas. Supertato squashes 3. How many are left?


Week commencing 19.03.22

Super subtraction

This week we will begin to learn about subtraction. We will learn that subtraction means taking numbers or amounts away. This means our answer will be smaller than the amount we started with.
We will use manipulatives to help us physically subtract objects before practising with numerals (written numbers).

Puzzle has 5 squirrel sweets. He eats one. How many are left?


We will also enjoy revising measurements by measuring our bodies in busy time as part of our 'I am super' topic!

Week commencing 21.03.22

Doubling and Halving!

This week, we are revising our doubling skills and learning how to half objects and amounts. We will learn that halving is sharing into 2 equal groups and will practise halving lots of things including cakes, shapes and treasure! 

We will use our doubling ladybirds to practise drawing the same amount of spots and writing a doubling number sentence. Please see an example below. 

Week commencing 14.03.22

Doubling numbers to 10

This week, we are going to do something brand new! We are going to double numbers.  
To find a double of a number, we add the same number to itself.  

Puzzle will teach us a number to help us quickly remember our doubles to 10.


1+1 is 2 
2 + 2 is 4 
3 + 3 is 6  
let’s double some more! 
4 + 4 is 8 
5 + 5 is 10 
We are good at doubling, let’s double again!

 Miss Deighton would like to double her sweetie. What must she do? 
She must double 1! 


1 + 1 = 2

double 1 is 2.


Week commencing 21.02.22



Sharing equally

This week, we are beginning to understand the concept of dividing, through learning about 'sharing equally'. 

We will use lots of different resources to help us practise sharing amounts equally so that each group has the same amount in. 

Can you answer the question below?

Week commencing 10.01.22

Making 10!

This week, we are using our knowledge of tens frames to begin to learn how to create and recall number bonds to 10. We will use counters, magnets and loose parts to create number bonds to 10 and will learn a special chant to help us remember. 

Can you practise the chant at home?

5 and 5 add up to 10
5 and 5 add up to 10
6 and 4 make it again!
6 and 4 make it again!
7 and 3 will also do
7 and 3 will also do
Look look look there's 8 and 2
Look look look there's 8 and 2
9 and 1
9 and 1
10 and none
10 and none
That's the ways of making 10!
That's the ways of making 10!


Week commencing 29.11.21

All about 9!

This week, we will learn all about number 9. Whilst learning about 9, we will remember how we use tens frames and part-part-whole models to create different numbers. 

How many does this tens frame show? How do you know? 

I know it shows 9 because there is 1 missing. I know that 1 less than 10 is 9!
I know it shows 9 because I can see 5 and 4. I know that 5 + 4 = 9.
I know it shows 9 because I counted the ones. I can see 9 ones. 

Week commencing 26.11.21

Finding one more and less than.

This week, we will learn all about number 8. Whilst learning to recognise, build and write 8, we will practise remembering how to find one more and less than a number. 

Remember, less means smaller, so we have to take away. More means bigger, so we have to add on!

Follow the link to watch a number blocks episode about adding and taking 1.

Week commencing 22.11.21

All about number 7!

This week, we will learn all about number 7. We will learn how to recognise 7, write 7,  find one more and less than 7, learn about the 7 days of the week and create our own rainbows with 7 colours!

Can you remember all of the colours in a rainbow?



Week commencing 15.11.21

All about number 6!

This week, we will learn all about number 6. We will learn how to recognise 6, create number bonds to 6, learn about shapes with 6 sides and practise subitising dice faces.

What number does each dice face represent? 




Week commencing 08.11.21

All about number 5!

This week, we will learn all about number 5. We will learn how to recognise 5, create number bonds to 5, learn about shapes with 5 sides and will be introduced to 5 frames. 
5 frames help us to learn and recognise our number bonds to 5.

Have a look at a 5 frames below. Which numbers can you see in the frames?

Week commencing 01.11.21

All about number 4! 

This week we are learning all about the number 4. We will learn all of the different ways of making 4 using numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3. We will learn how to write 4, find 4 things and spot shapes with 4 sides and corners. 

Most excitingly, we will be introduced to part-whole models and will use these to help us make 4 using two different numbers. Have a look at a couple of examples below. Can you make your own part-whole model at home? 

Week commencing 11.10.21

All about number 3! 

In our busy time, we practise lots of maths skills such as ordering numbers, writing, creating and cutting shapes, making patterns and using calculators, however, in Puzzle time this week, we are learning all about the number 3! 

We are learning how we can make three using other numbers such as 1 + 2 and 3 + 0. We will learn where to spot 3 on a number line and how to find one more than 3. We will create three using a selection of resources and will understand how it is represented in other math resources such as on a dice face. 

Most importantly, we will learn how to represent 3 on a tens frame. We were introduced to tens frames last week and are really good at using them in our learning! Here is one below: 

Week commencing 04.10.21


All about the number 2! 

This week, we are learning all about the number 2. We will learn how to spot 2, make 2, write 2 and will learn all about pairs. We will even make our own pair of socks! 

Can you spot any pairs in your house?


All about the number 1! 

We will be starting our Puzzle lessons next week and where better to start than with the number 1. We will learn lots about the number one, such as how to find 1 thing, how to write 1, how to make 1, how to put 1 and 1 together to make 2 and that a circle has 1 side.

We will also learn that first means the position 1 and that once means 1 time.

How can I support my child's learning at home?

- Your child could look out for things in the indoor and outdoor environment that they can see 1 of.
- Use objects to create a 'one' collage.
- Sing the One Finger One Thumb (Keep moving) song! Ask children to suggest body parts to add to the song.

- Play a Simon says 'jump one time', 'clap one time', 'hop one time' game.

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