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Nursery 2020/21

Nursery Sports Day 

We're sorry you couldn't join us this year, grown-ups - we did miss you! Here's a window into our day - your children were amazing and so ready for big school! You would have been so proud!

Nursery Sports Day 2021

Friday 9th July 2021


As I know you are all now aware, there has been a positive PCR test in our Foundation 1 bubble and the nursery is currently closed. This means that all children in the bubble must isolate until and including Friday 16th July (unless they were not in nursery on Monday and Tuesday this week). Other members of your household will not need to self-isolate and siblings of the nursery children will still be able to attend school.

We want to support you as much as we can during this period as we appreciate how challenging it is for you trying to balance work life and looking after your children at home, especially after the two-day isolation last week. We will be putting daily activities, stories and videos for your child to look at and do on this page - please click on the Home Learning link below. I hope you find these useful and that they give your child a focus whilst they are at home. We understand if they are not able to do all of the activities but we feel having some structure to their daily routine will really help them and keep them connected to nursery life.


If your child is coming to Haydn in September, please also look on the school website for the dedicated page called F2 September 2021. There are videos for you to watch with your children that will be very useful for their transition. I will also be putting stories on the nursery webpage for all children that support starting school.


We look forward to our last week together in nursery and are planning some fun activities for those last few days including a sports day on the Wednesday and a Teddy Bears Picnic for our ‘Happy Leaving Day’ celebration on the Thursday. Please could your child come dressed in appropriate clothing for the sports day such as shorts, T shirt, jogging bottoms, plimsolls or trainers. On the last day children do not need to wear uniform but instead may wear clothing of their choice. We will be sending more details about the Teddy Bears Picnic in a separate email. 

Monday 28th June 2021



Nursery will be closed today (Monday 28th June 2021) following a member of the staff team receiving a positive result from a lateral flow test yesterday. We are now awaiting confirmation from a PCR test and will contact you again shortly to let you know the result and any action that will need to be taken. In the meantime, your children will need to remain at home and self-isolate. 


The bubble system means that all other children can still attend school. Siblings of children in nursery and other affected bubbles are still able to attend school and other household members do not need to self-isolate.


Please click the HOME LEARNING star below to access home learning planning and resources to support your child at home during this time. We hope to have this up and running by this afternoon.


We look forward to seeing you back at nursery and will contact you to confirm the date for



Take care,

Ms Paulson, Mrs Wilkinson, Miss Storey and Mrs West



Summer Term 2021

Welcome back to a brand new summer term. 

Work in Nursery for the first half term will be based around the themes of Traditional Stories and Growing in the garden. We are going to practise being fabulous storytellers ourselves and will be making story maps to help us tell the stories. In the second half of this term our themes will be Minibeasts and Getting Ready for School. We will be thinking about how we have grown since starting nursery and celebrating all the different things we can do now.


Over the term we will also be spending lots of time outside celebrating spring and summer in the Nursery garden. We will find out about life cycles and watch caterpillars change into butterflies.

Spring Term 2021

It has been so lovely having all of the children back in nursery! They have clearly enjoyed seeing their friends again and are all settling back into the routines and taking an active interest in the learning and activities we have been doing. 

Week Beginning 29th March 2021

This week we will be getting ready for Easter. We have been learning about the life cycle of a chicken and celebrating the arrival of Spring and all the signs of new life that it brings. This week we will be reading the story of Dora’s Chicks which follows on from Dora’s Eggs that we read last week. We will continue to explore eggs and think about all the different animals that hatch from eggs. We will be making Easter crowns, chocolate nests and tasting hot cross buns. On Thursday we will finish the term with an Egg Hunt in the garden. What a yummy week!

Here’s the story so you can join in at home...

Dora's Chicks, by Julie Sykes, illustrated by Jane Chapman

Read Aloud by Ms. Andrea.

This week our letter sound of the week is e for eggs.
Can you find anything at home that begins with this sound? 

Learn letter "e" with Evie and Dodge | Phonics | CBeebies House

Our Rhyme of the week is

Five Brown Eggs

Five Brown Eggs - Teenie Weenies English Nursery Rhyme

We will be finishing the week off my reading the story of We’re Going on an Egg Hunt by Laura Hughes. Does this story remind you of one we already know?

We're going on an EGG HUNT!

Here’s another of my favourite heartwarming stories to share over the Easter holidays with your families! It’s The Ugly Duckling and this version is read by the lovely Miss Randall. Have a lovely time together and we look forward to seeing you all ready for a brand new term! Happy Easter everyone!

🐦🐣 Kids Book Read Aloud : THE UGLY DUCKLING By Mara Alperin I StoryTime with Miss Randall

Week Beginning Monday 22.3.2021

This week we are reading the story of Dora’s Eggs. Here is Ms Paulson reading it so you can share it at home.

Ms Paulson reads 'Dora's Eggs' by Julie Sykes

Ms Paulson is reading this week’s story of the week.

Here is a window into nursery last week! We started to think about the arrival of Spring and the different weather Spring brings. We looked at some rainmaker instruments and then made our own rainmakers! On Friday we used them to create a rainstorm!
Friday was Red Nose Day and we thought together about all of the children like us around the world who do not have all the things we take for granted - a safe place to live, fresh food and clean water. We talked about how lucky we are and made some healthy red nose faces from muffins, cream cheese, houmous and fresh vegetables. They were yummy!

Week Beginning 15th March 2021

Here is Ms Paulson telling the story for you to listen to at home.

Ms Paulson reads 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'

Ms Paulson is sharing this week's lovely book with you all!



We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas break and that you are all safe and well during this difficult time. We would like to wish you a Happy New Year too and look forward to seeing you back in nursery as soon as it is safe to do so.


For all children not attending nursery, online learning will be uploaded to this page each day, in a similar way to that of our isolation period in November. Please also find the attached document that gives you lots of ideas for different ways that you can support your child's learning and development.

We feel that it is really important that we keep in touch with each other during this period. Your children will really benefit from taking part in shared activities, keeping to a daily routine and sharing their work and play with us by sending in emails and photos on a regular basis. We would love to see what they are up to and get some feedback for the home learning that we are providing. We will answer your emails wherever possible but please bear in mind that we will also be teaching the children of keyworker families. Please send any correspondence to and Ms Paulson will ensure that it is shared with the whole nursery team.


                             Autumn Term 2020


Welcome to Haydn Nursery!


We would like to offer a very warm welcome to all of our new families who are starting nursery this September. It has been lovely meeting you all in person and the children are settling very well into nursery life. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we meet and greet your children at the gate each day and look forward to a time when we will be able to invite you to come into the nursery with your child. Let's hope that won't be too long away! In the meantime, we would like to use this webpage to share with you all of the different experiences and activities that you child will be engaging with during their time here each day. We will add photos and information that we hope will be both interesting and informative.


  Our Diwali Celebration Day - November 2020

Diwali is the Hindu and Sikh Festival of Light. This year Diwali took place on the weekend of 14th and 15th November. In nursery we did lots of fun activities including telling the story of Rama and Sita, drumming and dancing to traditional Indian music, lighting our beautiful divas we made from clay and tasting some delicious Diwali food. We had vegetable samosas, poppadums, raitha made from yoghurt and mint and mango chutney. Yum, yum!

CBeebies Songs | What is Diwali? | The Let's Go Club

Find out more about Diwali by listening to this special Diwali song.

Nursery Bubble Closure


As we have had a confirmed case of COVID-19 in our foundation stage bubble the nursery will be closed and all children should remain at home and self-isolate until Saturday 28th November.

The bubble system means that all other children, apart from those in bubbles affected by this case, can still attend school.

Siblings of children in nursery and other affected bubbles are still able to attend school.


Please click the HOME LEARNING star below to access home learning planning and resources to support your child at home during this time.


We look forward to seeing you back at nursery on Monday 30th November.


Take care,

Ms Paulson, Mrs Wilkinson, Miss Storey and Mrs Smithson

Our First Few Weeks in Nursery

Meet the Teaching Staff

This is Ms Paulson. She is the Nursery Teacher.

Meet Mrs Wilkinson. She is the Octopus Group Leader.

Meet Mrs Smithson. She is the Starfish Group Leader.

Meet Miss Storey. She is the Rainbow Fish Group Leader.

Time for a Story

We love books and stories so we wanted to share some of our favourites with you. We hope you enjoy listening to them. What's one of your favourite stories?

Ms Paulson reads The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr

Mrs Wilkinson reads Shark in the Park by Nick Sharratt

Mrs Smithson reads Look Out, Suzy Goose by Petra Horacek

Miss Storey reads the Superworm by Julia Donaldson

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