Hello Everybody-it's Wednesday!
Talking Together
Cuddly Dudley has so many brothers and sisters - imagine that! I can see why he might want to have some time to himself! Let's remember some of the things that happen in the story. You might want to listen to the story again to help you look back and remember!
Sometimes it's good to spend some time by yourself - looking at books, drawing or just having some quiet time. What do you like to do by yourself?
Can you remember what number we are thinking about this week? How many dicky birds were sitting on the wall in the rhyme? That's right, 2! Let's practise counting to 2. Show your grown-up your 2 eyes, 1,2. Show them your 2 ears, 2 arms, 2 feet and 2 legs!
Now draw a picture of a teddy bear. Draw 2 circles; one for the teddy’s head and one for his body. Then, draw 2 eyes, 2 arms, 2 legs and 2 furry ears. Draw 2 buttons on his tummy too!
Busy Fingers
Letters and Sounds Play Dough
Here's a fun activity to encourage your child to listen for the first sound in words and then make some matching play dough letters. Follow the link below for an easy recipe. If you don't have the ingredients for play dough then instead write in wet salt or sand using fingers or a stick. You could even play outside sing a bucket of water and a paintbrush! Collect together about 6 everyday objects such as a banana, a cup, an apple and so on. Choose one of the objects - talk about it and what it is used for. Identify the initial sound in the word and write it on a whiteboard or piece of paper. Play alongside your child showing them how to roll a ball of dough and then roll it into a long sausage shape. Together make the letter and check it matches the one on the paper.
Busy Bodies
Indoor Obstacle Course
If the weather isn't great today why not have an indoor obstacle course!
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
1. Crawl under or over a row of chairs.
2. Crawl under a string stretched between two chair legs.
3. Jump into and out of a Hula-Hoop five times.
4. Walk along a piece of string.
5. Do ten jumping jacks.
6. The floor is hot lava! Line up cushions, and have your child hop from one to the next—avoiding the "lava" - the carpet.
Adding a storyline to obstacle courses increases the fun, and everyone loves the idea of out-smarting a lava flow.
7. Weight stations. Get your child doing some not-so-heavy lifting. Tiny hand weights or tin cans are perfect for doing a few repetitions and building up those muscles!