Happy Tuesday Everybody!
I hope you are all well today and ready for a new day of learning and fun! What day is it today? Yesterday was Monday so it must be... Tuesday! Tuesday begins with a t,t sound. Can you sing the days of the week song to your grown-up?
Let's start our day! Can you remember what story we were remembering yesterday? See if you can do the actions for the title - The Very (hands in v shape) Hungry (rub your tummy) Caterpillar (make a c shape with your fingers).
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Something quite amazing happened in the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar! The caterpillar went inside his cocoon and transformed or changed into a butterfly! Can you remember how he started out in life? Right at the beginning of the story, a little egg lay on a leaf... What happened next? When a caterpillar comes out of his egg he doesn't stop eating, not even to sleep! The Hungry Caterpillar grows and grows until one day... Do you remember what he does? If you do, then you are very clever because you are explaining the life cycle of a butterfly! Here are some pictures to help you!
Caterpillars in Nursery
We have been watching our own caterpillars growing and changing into butterflies in nursery! Tell your grown-up all about it! What have you noticed? How many butterflies were there on Friday?
I have asked Mrs Mason if some children in school can look after our cocoons until we come back to nursery. They will need to let the butterflies go free into the garden now. They need to be able to fly and live their lives outdoors. We might be able to spot them in the garden when we return!
Make your own Life Cycle of a Butterfly
On a paper plate...
From playdough...
You could make a life cycle crown instead! We often make these in nursery as they are not only fun to wear but good at reinforcing the cyclical nature of a life cycle!
Here is a link to some useful printables if you have access to a printer.
Let's find out some more about caterpillars and butterflies by watching an episode of Ferne and Rory's Teeny Tiny Creatures.
The Hungry Caterpillar enjoys eating leaves. Collect 5 different types of leaves from your garden and see if you can put them in size order. Which is the biggest? Which is the smallest?
5 is one of my favourite numbers!
Let's make...
Fruit Kebabs
The Hungry Caterpillar eats through lots of different kinds of fruit in the story. Fruit is very good for us too and here is a recipe for you to make fruit kebabs using all your favourite fruits!
You will need a mixture of different kinds of fruit. Fruits that work well include
Large wooden skewers work best. Children will be able to help prepare the fruit with your help and supervision and then go on to put their own fruit onto the skewers. Soft fruits like strawberries and banana can be chopped easily with an ordinary eating knife and children can peel bananas and oranges independently. This is good for their fine motor development and they will be more likely to eat the fruit if they have prepared it themselves!
Keeping Active
To finish with we are going to go on a Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!
Open up the link below and have a go at joining in with some yoga based on the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
See you again tomorrow for some more minibeast adventures!