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Happy Friday Everybody!


Each week Fridays are now going to be our well-being day where we will be thinking about the themes of Kindness, Friendship and Giving, Keeping Active and Connecting to Others, as well as giving you all a chance to catch up on any activities that you have missed over the week. 



Welcome to a fun-filled day where we are going to be celebrating our friends and how special they are to us. Let's call today Friendship Friday!





Let's start the day with our good friends and teachers, Miss Storey and Mrs Wilkinson!

Happy Friendship Friday!

Now it's time for a story...

Ms Paulson reads a story about friendship.

A Book for Bramble - Words by Lynne Garner and Pictures by Gaby Hansen

Talking Together

I know how Teasel must have felt in this story when he wasn't able to see his special friend for a long time. Lots of us haven't been able to see some of our friends and family members recently and we miss those people too. But we will see them again soon I'm sure. But for now, I love the idea that Teasel had of making a special book for his friend. I think I might do something like that too. What about you? I also liked how Teasel was still able to have a lovely time with his family and join in with special times and games. That's the same for us too, isn't it? Friends are always your friends even when you don't see them. We need to remember that.


Being a Good Friend

Talk to your grown-up about what it means to be a good friend.

In nursery...

  • we share our toys and the equipment
  • we take turns when playing games
  • we listen to each other
  • we talk in a kind voice
  • we say nice things about each other
  • we use gentle hands

Can you think of anything else we do?


Keeping Active

Have a Dance Party

Get your little ones moving with some dance-related games like musical bumps and musical statues.

A boogie is also a great way to energise everyone at home - they can join in with the dancing or from the comfort of their chair or sofa.




Follow the link below for more ideas!

Being Together

What can we make to eat?

Enjoy spending time together as you make some food. Follow the link below for ideas.

Making Pizza

Cooking is a great way to get children interested in food in general, or to help children  to feel comfortable with ingredients they don’t usually eat. Maybe over the weekend you could help to make a tasty treat for your family. Here's a recipe for pizza. Rolling and kneading dough is a great way to exercise little hands and really let's your child get involved.



Keeping Connected

Make a card for a special friend or family member

It's really good to keep in touch with people who are special to you. Even though you may not be able to see them now, you can make a card or a picture for them with a little message to tell them you are thinking about them and can't wait to see them again.

Here are some ideas: Make hand print flowers, draw pictures together, insert photos, use potato stampers together to personalise the stationery. Enjoy the shared experience. Talk about everything you are doing together such as the shapes, colours and textures and listen when your child talks back. Talking together is one of the best ways to develop your child's language skills.



Miss Storey and Mrs Wilkinson are missing you all and have sent a song for you all!

You Are My Sunshine

Something for the Grown-Ups...

Let's finish with a few songs about friendship ...

CBeebies House Songs | The Friendship Song

The More We Get Together | Barefoot Books Singalong

You've Got A Friend In Me - Randy Newman (Toy Story Edition)

We hope you have a really lovely weekend with your families. Take good care of each other and we'll see you back here on Monday.
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