Happy Wednesday Everybody!
Talking Together
Story Mark Making
Why don't you draw your favourite part of the story and ask your grown up to write down what you say about this part of the story. We would love to see this drawing! You can email a photo of it to Ms Paulson and she can share it with all of your teachers!
Owl Babies is a story where the characters come in a set of three- just like in The Three Billy Goats Gruff or Goldilocks and the Three Bears. There is something else that is the same in these stories- the three bears and the three goats are different sizes, one small, one medium-sized and one large just like the baby owls - Sarah, Percy and Bill! Can you make collections of three things from around your house or your garden and order them by size from the smallest to the biggest? For example, 3 shoes, 3 socks, 3 stones, 3 leaves, 3 bottles, 3 boxes and so on. Talk about their size using language such as smaller than, bigger than, shortest, tallest, biggest and smallest.
Creative Challenge
Why don't you have a go at making your own owl puppets to help you retell the story of Owl Babies? You could draw and cut out your own pictures and stick them onto lolly sticks or use scrap cardboard tubes to make owls like these below. How would you change them to make them look like the owl babies?