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6H 2020/21

Literacy non-fiction information leaflets


A selection of work on the interesting octopus


What a fantastic term!

The beginning of the autumn term


We looked at the book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy as part of PHSE work. The drawings are of a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse. The boy is lonely when the mole first appears, they spend time together gazing into the wild, which he says is a bit like life - frightening and beautiful. They meet a fox, who is silent and wary, and a gentle horse. They are all different like us, with strengths and weaknesses and formed a special friendship.

We shared the beautiful images and messages and discussed what it meant to us, then created our own using a paintbrush and ink.

6H 2020 - 2021

Welcome to Year 6

Still image for this video
CLASS LETTERS - 6H - 2020 - 2021

5P 2019 - 2020

Year 5 returning to school!


We are very excited to announce that next week we will be welcoming back year 5 to school. This will be in the same form as the other year groups. You will receive a letter informing you which bubble you have been put into. Each bubble will be in for a whole week and then at home for a whole week. Bubbles will be made up of 15 children and will be in the two year 5 classrooms, the staff looking after year 5 are: Mr Grimshaw, Mrs Owens, Ms Chambers, Mrs Needham, Miss Bell and Miss Coopland. 

These places are not compulsory and we understand that every family need to decide what is right for them, please think carefully when you decide if you will be coming back or not.

Home learning will continue when you are on your week at home, the children at school will be learning the same content, it will just be delivered by a member of staff at school in a more traditional style of lesson.

Please feel free to get in contact if you have any questions. We have made the following video that will hopefully answer some of your questions.

Take care.

Year 5 Team

Thank you! smiley


A special thank you to the families in 5P for being so supportive during this uncertain time. Mrs. Owens and I have enjoyed speaking with some of you over the phone and seeing work that your parents have emailed in or activities you've been up to via Seesaw - please keep sharing!


Just a reminder that most families will be contacted every couple of weeks from a with-held number by either Mrs. Powell or Mrs. Owens. If we can't get through, we will leave a voicemail and try again at a different time. If we have your email address, we may email you instead if we can't get through. If we don't get through to you or it is a week that we aren't making phone calls and you feel you need to speak with one of us, please do not hesitate to contact the school or Mrs. Powell directly via email - we are here to support in any way we can. 


Keep making us and yourselves proud 5P!


Exercise Books


When your child finishes their exercise book and needs another, please call the school office to let them know what type of book you need and when you would like to collect, so that an appointment can be made.


Thank you.


The Joy of Moving - Home School Festival

Creative Quarter Challenges


Keep an eye on the Creative Quarter page ( ) on our website for weekly art challenges that you can all get involved in, inspiring websites and links. 

Year 5 Stay Safe video

The year 5 children were inspired by the year 3 video and have created this amazing bag toss video, we miss you all!

A children's book which explains coronavirus to children

PE Questionnaire for KS2 Children

Mr. Ward would like as many children as possible in KS2 to complete the PE questionnaire. Once done, please send back to the school office or to me, for the attention of Mr. Ward.




Mrs. Powell

Haydn Surname Challenge!

A special thanks to parents/carers


I would like to express my gratitude for your continued support with home-schooling. I understand how tricky it can be to work with and supervise your children, especially if you are working from home yourself. School are here to support you so please do not hesitate to call or email should you have any concerns.


Remember: We are all in this together and as the situation is far from ideal, we are only asking that you and the children continue to try your best. Families will be contacted by telephone every 2-3 weeks by either Mrs. Powell or Mrs. Owens. If you miss a call and need to speak to us, please get in contact. 


If you are anxious and struggling at this unprecedented time please contact school, we will do what we can to support you. You can also check out these websites which provides free counselling or where you can access mental health services.



Seesaw is an online platform where children can digitally share the work and activities they've been doing at home and other children in the class can read, like and respond. I have set up a class page for 5P.


To access, either go to or download the seesaw app on iOS or Android. Sign up as a student and then scan our unique QR code (if using a web-based version, the QR code can be 'presented' to the webcam using another device  - mobile phones work fine!). The final step is to find and select your name from the list. 


The QR code has been emailed to all email addresses we had on file. If you've not received this or school doesn't have your email address, please contact me directly and I'll send it to you.  Once you are on, there is a sample activity set up under the 'Activities' tab, children can post pictures and notes about what they have been doing and respond to others on the journal thread.


Please have a go and spread the word amongst your classmates. I look forward to hearing from you all!


Mrs. Powell :)



Easter Holidays


You have all been amazing and are getting on so well with the work. Over the Easter holidays we want you to take a small step back and try to relax. We have set a series of activities for you to do each day to keep active and look after yourselves. Please find below all of the activities. Remember you can still access reading eggs, mathletics, maths frame, twinkl and if you find any other great websites do let me know about them and I will share with the rest of the class. Keep your eye on BBC iPlayer, they are showing a range of Shakespeare's plays including The Merchant of Venice!


We are posting out a copy of Street Child to each of you, this will be the base of a lot of your Literacy work. Please look after this book and bring it back to school with you when we re-open. We are also sending some seeds home, we would love you to plant these, take pictures and send them to us, along with any other exciting things that you have been up to.


Stay safe, carry on looking after yourselves and your families, we are all so proud of you!


Mrs Powell

Home Learning Pack

Here is another resource to use for ideas if you want to supplement the class home learning packs.




As the school is to be closed for the foreseeable future, we have prepared a Learning Pack for you to use with your child at home. We would suggest that children thrive on some structure and routine in their day and we have created a daily plan for Literacy, Maths, Topic and Well-being that you can build into your day. Having some structure to their day, will really help your child and should help you too if you need to spend time working from home. It is vitally important that your children stay active and keep learning, the work we will be sending home will help to keep your child on track with their learning from home.

We have loaded the first weeks’ worth of work onto the class page of the website, these can be found at: on this page we will load a weekly PowerPoint document that will outline all work to be completed while school is closed. Any additional documents that will be required will be loaded to the same place. All documents will be loaded with answers at the end of the document, make sure not to reveal that until after your children have completed the work! On this PowerPoint we have included our email addresses for you to contact us should you need to and we will make weekly contact with you to see how you are getting on.

CLASS 5P 2019-2020


Welcome to Year 5! The teachers you will be working with this year are Mrs. Powell and Mr. Grimshaw. Our teaching assistants are Mrs. Owens, Miss. Chadbourne and Miss. French.


Homework is given out each Friday and expected to be completed and back in school by the following Wednesday. Spelling tests are every Friday. Please do not spend longer than about 30 minutes on homework unless it is a larger project or a two-week homework!


PE is every Wednesday, so please ensure kits are in school.

Spring Term


Our main topic this term will be The Tudors and Shakespeare. In Science, we will be studying the life cycles of animals and plants, including plant reproduction.


For the first half-term we will be going ice skating every Monday afternoon for 6 consecutive weeks; please don't forget a change of warm clothes! We recommend layers such as long sleeved tops, jumpers, jogging bottoms, hats, gloves and coats. It is better to send too much, than not enough. Ice skating will begin on the very first day back so please be prepared!


On Thursday 27th February, we will be going on our exciting residential trip to Stratford Upon Avon. This trip will include a visit to Shakespeare's birthplace, a walk around Stratford Upon Avon, a visit to the RSC Theatre to watch a production of The Boy in the Dress, a workshop with the RSC specifically tailored to The Merchant of Venice and a night in a local hostel. All meals are provided except for lunch on the first day. Please ensure we have received your permission slips and payment by February half-term. There will be an information evening with more details in January. Date/time TBC.


During the second half of the term the children will have plenty of time to learn all about Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice with the production taking place on Wednesday 1st April at 2pm and 6pm.



D&T/ICT - Building and Programming Mechanical Lego

Autumn Term


This term we will be studying Forests and Ancient Greece. In Science we will be looking at Earth & Space and Forces.


Our swimming lessons will take place during the first half term, every Friday morning. Please ensure that children remember their swimming kits, longer hair is tied back and any earrings have been removed at home, in advance.


On Friday 15th November, we will be watching 'The Merchant of Venice' at Bonington Theatre in Arnold. This will cement the start of our Shakespeare journey and support the children with their understanding of the play.


INSET days: Friday 18th October and Friday 22nd November.


Thursday 14th November: Class Assembly, 10.15am.


Some moments from this term ...

CLASS 4S 2018-2019

Welcome To 4S

Welcome to 4S, we have made a fantastic start to the year settling in to our new class and routines. This term (Autumn 2) we will be learning about electricity in science, continuing to find out about the Ancient Egyptians and starting our swimming sessions on a Friday. We are looking forward to our trip to Derby Museum on the 21st November - we will share photographs of this on our class page.

Sound Fountain


We had a fantastic afternoon with Jove's mum learning about sound waves, and hertz watching the sound fountain.

Ancient Egyptian Board Games

The children created their own Ancient Egyptian board game over the holidays. They had a fantastic afternoon playing them with their friends.

Derby Museum Trip

4S had a great time exploring Derby Museum. In the morning we met Aziza the wife of an Egyptian advisor to the Pharaoh. She taught us about her life in Egypt. We also had a go at mummifying one of the class. We made our own Shabti's to go in the pyramid with us. We couldn't believe that we saw a 3000 year old mummy, it was fascinating. In the afternoon we explored all the different rooms and artefacts around the museum!

Chinese New Year



We had some Chinese visitors in 4S. We had a blast learning about the history of China, including numbers and songs. To finish off we created our own brush paintings of Cherry Blossom!

Goal Ball

Year 4 were given the opportunity to learn how to play the sport 'Goal Ball' with a professional coach. We had lots of fun and some of us played blindfolded just like players in the Paralympic Games. We had to make sure that we were listening carefully and that we worked together as a team.

Castleton 2019

Year 4 had a fantastic time on the residential to Castleton. Although the journey was a bit of a bumpy ride we made the most of our time together in the countryside. We got soaking wet on the river walk, made our own candles, studied fossils and crawled through a lead mine. We also panned for gems such as fools gold and blue john and took part in outdoor activities. The food was delicious (especially the breakfast) and we even had time for a movie and some sweet treats! Thank you to all the children who made it a wonderful experience!













CLASS 3H 2017-2018

Art Week Macbeth themed artwork

Year 3 supported their learning about Buddhism in RE by visiting the Akshobya Buddhist centre. We were all made to feel very welcome and certainly felt calm and mindful after our meditation!

Votes for All!

Celebrating 100 years of votes for women.

3B visit Gurdwara Baba Budha Ji

Children read and followed instructions to make their own rocky roads... and they were scrumptious! In this task they thought about what detailed instructions were and how they could write clear instructions for making rocky roads. They did really well when they went onto writing up their own instructions for others to use.

In 3B children produced some lovely creative writing. 









YEAR 2 2016-2017

Art Week - Into the Wild

Katie Morag Day


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