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Monday 28th June

Happy Monday everybody

What a funny start to our nursery week! Even though we can't be together in nursery we can still do lots of fun activities at home. Let's begin by sharing with your families some of the things that we have been learning about in nursery over the last couple of weeks. We have begun a new topic all about Minibeasts and we began with the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We loved that story and you have become very clever at talking about the life cycle of a butterfly. Here is the beautifully animated film of the story for you to watch and listen to. You may also have your own copy of the book which you could read and share with your grown-up later.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Animated Film

Talking Together

What an amazing story! The caterpillar was very greedy indeed and ate through so many different kinds of food! Eating the right things helped him grow into a butterfly and eating the wrong things gave him a stomach ache! Can you remember what he ate? Look back through the story with your grown up and see if you can find out what he ate on each day. On Monday he ate through... 

Our days of the week song really helps us to remember the order that the days come - sing it to help you know which day comes after each one. How many days are there in a week?


Did you notice there are little holes in the pages where the caterpillar eats through the food.

Well one day Eric Carle, the author, was punching holes with a hole punch (like we have in nursery) and thought of creating a story about a bookworm and then he decided to make it a caterpillar instead and that's how the story came about!


Making a Story Map

Can you draw a story map that includes all the different fruits and food that the caterpillar ate? Draw the different things he ate on each day! This will help you to remember the names of the different foods as well as the days of the week.





Letters and Sounds

  • What letter sound does the word caterpillar begin with? Practise saying the word and hearing the first sound - c,c,c - caterpillar. Yes it begins with a c sound and look! The letter c looks like a curly caterpillar! 




Maybe you could make your own caterpillar that is in the shape of the letter c. Here are two different ways you can do this  but you can use lots of different things - stones, pasta, beads, slices of fruit - or you could draw the shape in your sandpit, in the mud with a stick, with a paintbrush dipped in water. You are very clever and creative! I bet you can find lots of different ways!

Learn letter "c" with Evie and Dodge | Phonics | CBeebies House

Now go on your own hunt around the house and garden and see how many things you can find that begin with the c sound! I wonder how many things you can find?


5 Little Caterpillars

I know a number rhyme about 5 Little Caterpillars. You will need to get your fingers ready so that you can join in. Count them carefully 1,2,3,4,5 - are you ready? Here we go!

Nursery Rhyme Finger Play - Five little Caterpillars by Alina Celeste

See you again tomorrow for some more fun together! Take care of each other and be helpful and kind.

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