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Happy Wednesday Everybody! 

Let’s start the day with Miss Storey.

Happy Wednesday from Miss Storey

What are we learning today?

Ms Paulson introduces today's learning - Arctic Animals

Let’s read Arctic Animals by Tad Carpenter

Arctic Animals - an information book

Talking Together

I bet you are becoming experts at knowing about animals that live in cold lands! Why don't you choose your favourite polar animal and find out more about them? I would love to know more about arctic foxes. Where could I look to find out more?


All about 3

This week we're going to be thinking about the number 3. Can you count to 3? Show your grown-up 3 fingers. You could use one hand or both! can you clap your hands 3 times? Do 3 jumps? Touch your nose 3 times? Have a look at the I spy 3 activity below to practise!

Numberblocks - Meet Number Three | Meet the Numberblocks | Learn to Count

Busy Fingers

Snip, Snap - cutting and snipping

Why don't you practise snipping and cutting - if you can practise these skills then you will begin to be able to cut things out for yourself! Here are some ideas:

  • When you next go out on a walk or play in the garden, collect leaves, grass or herbs for snipping. You could use your snipping for collage or just enjoy the snipping process!
  • Snip dough sausages into pieces - very satisfying!
  • Snip cooked spaghetti into pieces. If you use very clean scissors then this could turn into lunch! 
  • Again with clean scissors, cut lettuce or beansprouts to add to sandwiches. 



Happy snipping! 

Busy Bodies

Another arctic song with actions for you to join in with!

See you tomorrow for more Arctic fun!

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